Siebel Life Sciences Guide > Recording Calls in Pharma >

About the Submit Button

Clicking the Submit button in Siebel Life Sciences causes a number of important events to occur within the application. Table 13 describes the specific actions that occur when clicking the Submit button in the view listed in the left column.

Table 13.  Effects of the Submit Button on Siebel Life Sciences Views
Access Path
Transaction Type
Clicking the Submit Button...

Contact Call Detail

Activities > Contact Call Detail


Changes the contact call detail Status field to Submitted.

Except for the Comment field, sets the record to read-only.

Sets all child records to read-only.

If samples were dropped, creates a Samples Transaction History record.

Account Call Detail

Activities > Account Call Detail


Changes the account call detail Status field to Submitted.

Except for the Comment field, sets the record to read-only.

Sets all child records to read-only.

If samples were dropped, creates a Samples Transaction History record.

Inventory Count

Samples > Inventory Count


Verifies each a value has been entered in the Count field.

Changes the status of each record to inactive.

Creates a an active transaction by moving the count in the latest inventory period.

Received Samples

Samples > My Received Samples

Transfer In

Updates the user inventory to reflect the quantity entered in Received Quantity field of the Line Items list.

Updates Sample Invoices by setting the Active flag to N (No).

If the Invoice Status is submitted, the application updates the Line Items list by:

  • Setting the Stock Update flag to Y (Yes)
  • Updates the Stock Position ID
  • Changes the Item Status to Submitted

Sample Order

Samples > My Samples Order

Sample Order

Updates the Samples Orders list by setting the Active flag to N (No).

If the Order Status is submitted, the application updates the Line Items list by:

  • Setting the Stock Update flag to Y (Yes)
  • Updates the Stock Position ID
  • Changes the Item Status to Submitted

Samples Adjustments

Samples > My Samples Adjustments

Inventory Adjustment

Updates the user inventory to reflect the quantity entered in Quantity field of the Line Items list.

Updates Sample Adjustments by changing the Active flag to N (No).

If the Transfer Status is Submitted, the application updates Line Items list by:

  • Setting the Stock Update flag to Y (Yes)
  • Updating the Stock Position ID
  • Changing the Item Status to Submitted

Sent Samples

Samples > My Sent Samples

Transfer Out

Updates the user inventory to reflect the quantity entered in Line Items list Quantity field.

Updates My Sent Samples by setting the Active Flag to N (No), Changes the Status to Submitted.

If the Transfer Status is Submitted, the application updates the Line Items list by:

  • Setting the Update Flag to Y (Yes)
  • Updating the Stock Position ID
  • Changing the Item Status to Submitted

When a user clicks the Submit button in either the Contact Call Detail or Account Call Detail views, the application verifies that:

  • At least one product has been recorded and detailed.

    This requirement can be changed by the administrator. For more information, see Configuring Siebel Life Sciences.

  • The call's date and time is the same as or earlier than the current date and time. A call cannot be submitted with a future date.

If dropped samples are recorded for the call, the application checks that:

  • The samples exist in the inventory for the period indicated by the call's date and time.
  • The period into which the samples will be recorded is an unreconciled period. If it is a reconciled period, a warning message appears.
  • A valid lot number has been specified for dropped samples tracked by lot number.
  • The Ref # field is not empty (paper signature only).

If the call passes these checks, the application:

  • Creates a samples disbursement transaction, with a line item for each dropped sample recorded for the call.
  • Submits a disbursement transaction to update the samples inventory. If the submission of the disbursement transaction is successful, the application changes the call's Status field to Submitted.
  • Sets the Last Call Date field for the contact or account to the date of the submitted call, and many fields in the call record become read-only.

    The Siebel administrator can change the fields that become read-only after a call is submitted (or synchronized with Siebel Pharma Handheld on a PDA). For information, see Configuring the Submit Button (Changing Read-Only Fields).

    NOTE:  If attendees are recorded in an account call, an attendee call is created for each attendee, and the process described above is performed for each attendee call. Attendee calls are the same as contact calls except that they do not appear in the Activities view and they are submitted automatically when the account call is submitted.

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