Siebel Life Sciences Guide > Managing Pharma Samples >

Acknowledging Receipt of a Samples Transfer (End User)

Siebel Samples Management supports two ways of electronically moving samples inventory:

In either case, the application creates a samples transfer transaction and routes it to the recipient for acknowledgement. Once the recipient submits a receipt, the application transfers the new inventory into their active inventory period. End users can then view the new inventory in the Samples History screen. For more information on displaying the Samples History view, see Adjusting a Past Samples Transaction.

To acknowledge receipt of a samples transfer

  1. Navigate to the Samples screen.
  2. On the link bar, click Received Samples.
  3. In the Received Samples list, select the transfer that you want to acknowledge.

    Samples transfers that have not been acknowledged as received show an Invoice Status value of In Progress. Those that have been acknowledged as received show an Invoice Status value of Submitted.

  4. In Line Items list, modify the Received Quantity field if the value does not accurately reflect the quantity received.
  5. Click Submit.

    NOTE:  The samples transfer quantities do not appear in end users inventory counts until they submit a samples receipt. However, once the samples receipt has been submitted, it cannot be modified or deleted.

    The values in the Invoice Status field (Received Samples list) and the Item Status field (Line Items list) change to Submitted.

    End users can track discrepancies between shipped quantities and received quantities by using the My Received Samples Transfer Discrepancies filter. A manager's version of this view is also provided, and the samples administrator can track samples discrepancies system-wide by using a samples administration view. For more information on available administration views, see Monitoring Samples Activities.

  6. From the Show drop-down list, select My Samples History.

    The Samples History view appears. Selecting a period in the Inventory Periods list shows the line items of the received transfer in the Samples History list.

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