Siebel Life Sciences Guide > Managing Pharma Samples >

Creating a Samples Transfer

You create a samples transfer whenever product samples are exchanged within your company. This procedure can be used by:

  • A samples administrator to send shipments to end users in the field
  • End users to exchange samples between themselves
  • End users to return samples to the home office

Once the samples transfer has been submitted into the system, the recipient receives a samples transfer. After the recipient acknowledges the receipt of the transaction, the application enters the new inventory into the his or her inventory count. For more information, see Acknowledging Receipt of a Samples Transfer (End User).

NOTE:  Samples returns are defined as transfer transactions for which corresponding received shipment transactions have not been created. Returned samples are subtracted from the sender's inventory counts but are not added to the master inventory, because they are typically expired or damaged products.

To create a samples transfer

  1. Navigate to the Samples screen.
  2. On the link bar, click Sent Samples.
  3. In the My Sent Samples list, create a new record and complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.


    Transfer #

    The application automatically generates an unique identifier. You can change this value.

    Transfer Date

    The application automatically generates a date and time value that falls in the active period.

    Transfer Status

    The application automatically changes this field value to Submitted when you submit the transaction.

    Transfer to Last Name

    The employee to whom you are transferring the samples. If the value of the Transfer Type field is Transfer Out, you must complete this field. Leave this field empty if the value of the Transfer Type field is Return.

    Transfer Type

    Select the appropriate value:

    • Transfer Out - Indicates you are transferring samples to another employee.
    • Return - Indicates you are returning samples to the home office. Samples are typically returned because they are expired or damaged products that should be destroyed. Transfers with the Transfer Type field set to Return do not generate shipment transactions (because there is no recipient), and they are not added to the master inventory counts. However, the samples administrator can see returned samples transactions in the samples administration views. For more information, see Monitoring Samples Activities.
  4. In the Line Items list, create a new record and complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.


    Item #

    The application automatically generates an unique identifier. Edit this value to have the items appear in a particular order.

    Item Status

    The application automatically changes this field value to Submitted when you submit the transaction.

    Lot #

    The lot number for this samples transfer.


    The quantity that you are transferring.


    The samples being transferred.

    Repeat Step 4 to enter a line item for each product or promotional item you are transferring.

  5. Click Submit.

    NOTE:  A transfer transaction cannot be modified or deleted after it has been submitted.

    The value of the Transfer Status field (in the Sent Samples list) and the Item Status field (in the Line Items list) changes to Submitted.

  6. On the link bar, click Samples History.

When you select a product that has been transferred in Inventory List, the line items of the transfer transaction appear in the Samples History list.

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