Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide > Host Organization's Use of Siebel Loyalty >

Viewing or Printing Loyalty Members' Statements

Statements are the main method used to communicate with members. They include information about the member's current tier, point balance, recent transactions, and available and used vouchers. Marketing materials also are often sent with statements.

Members may receive statements by mail or by email, depending on their communication preference. You can integrate with a third-party fulfillment service and send the information for statements to the fulfillment house to be printed and mailed to members. For more information about specifying how frequently statements are sent, see Defining Tier Classes and Tiers.

Siebel Loyalty stores a record of all statements that have been sent to members. If a member calls with a question about the statement, the member service representative can look up the information in the statement.

Member service representatives can also view the statement report and can print this statement manually. The statement report takes all the data and totals tracked with a statement and puts it in a format that can be mailed, faxed, or emailed as an attachment to a member. It is the same as the statement that is mailed to the member.

To view statement information for a member

  1. Navigate to the Loyalty Members screen.
  2. In the Members list, select the member.
  3. Click the Statements view tab.
  4. In the Statements list, click the number of a statement to view details about that statement:
    • The Statement form and More Info form include general information, such as the program the member is in, the start date and end date for the statement, the number of qualifying and non-qualifying points accrued during the period, the number of points redeemed during the period, and the number of points needed to move to the next tier.
    • The Tier Attributes view lists the attributes that are used to calculate when the member reaches different tiers.
    • The Transactions view lists all the member's transactions for the period of the statement.
    • The Vouchers Outstanding view lists any vouchers that are available to the member.
    • The Vouchers Used view lists any vouchers that the member used during the statement period.

To print a statement

  1. Navigate to the Loyalty Statements screen.
  2. In the Statements list, query on the Name field to find the statement for a specific member.
  3. Click the Statement # of the statement you want to print.
  4. Click the Reports button and select Statement.
  5. Use the Reports window to print the statement.
Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide