Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide is a new book for the 7.7 version of Siebel Marketing.

Siebel Marketing 7.7 introduces a set of architectural and functional enhancements including:

  • The new segmentation interface provides increased visibility into segment membership and criteria counts.
  • An enhanced list generation capability provides increased flexibility and formatting options for exported list files.
  • Shared metadata in the Siebel Analytics repository (SiebelAnalytics.rpd) supports segmentation, reporting, list generation, and other Siebel Analytics functions. For more information about Marketing and Analytics metadata, see Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide, version 7.7.1 and later.
  • For customers using the Siebel Data Warehouse (sometimes referred to as the Siebel Relationship Management Warehouse) for segmentation, Siebel Marketing provides preconfigured metadata to support the Marketing module. For more information about Marketing metadata, see Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide, version 7.7.1 and later.

    NOTE:  In this guide, the term Marketing module refers to the module within the Siebel Analytics Web Server that supports segmentation and list generation.

  • The enhanced Email Marketing Server provides improved scalability for high volume personalized email campaigns.

What's New in Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide, Version 7.7, Rev. A

Table 1 lists changes described for this version of the documentation to support release 7.7 of the software.

Table 1.  New Product Features in Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide, Version 7.7, Rev. A

Enhanced email campaigns functionality using Email Marketing

See Installing and Configuring Email Marketing

The new Email Marketing Server provides improved scalability for sending high-volume, personalized email campaigns and supports new features such as customizable merge fields, dynamic-content generation, and Forward to a Friend. (Before version 7.7, email campaigns were handled by Siebel Communications Server.)

A new chapter about source code formats

See Creating Source Code and Vendor Profiles

A new chapter describes source code formats. (Before version 7.7, Rev. A, this chapter existed in the Siebel Marketing Guide.)

A new chapter about the Web Marketing module

See Setting Up Web Marketing

A new chapter describes the Web Marketing module. (Before version 7.7 Rev. A, the name of the Web Marketing module was the eMarketing module and the chapter existed in the Siebel Marketing Guide.)

Moved the upgrade topics to a separate appendix

See Upgrade Guidelines for Siebel Marketing

The new upgrade process is significantly different for version 7.7. For example, after an upgrade, no workflows are deployed and you must deploy and activate workflows in Siebel Tools before you can use them. (Before version 7.7, Rev. A, upgrade topics were in Appendix A, Marketing Installation and Administration Reference.)

Removed troubleshooting content from Appendix A, and renamed the Appendix

See, Advanced Marketing Information for Administrators

Changes to troubleshooting process require removal of this content. (Before version 7.7, Rev. A, troubleshooting content was in Appendix A, Marketing Installation and Administration Reference.)

What's New in Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide, Version 7.7

Table 1 lists changes described for this version of the documentation to support release 7.7 of the software.

Table 2.  New Product Features in Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide, Version 7.7

Simplified installation

See Installing Siebel Marketing.

This new topic provides information about the process of installing and enabling the 7.7 Marketing application components, including the Siebel Enterprise components and the Marketing module within the Siebel Analytics Web 7.7.1.

(Before version 7.7, Siebel Marketing was installed on the Marketing Server.)

Enhanced design features for creating list formats for campaign load, list export, email server and data load

See Designing Marketing List Formats

The List Format Designer is a new module in the Analytics Web Server that allows you to create list formats for a variety of purposes, including campaign load, list export, email personalization, customer synchronization, and other data loads.

(Before 7.7, creating list formats and loading campaign data were accomplished using data retrieval and snapshot files.)

Enhanced configuration and administration of the Marketing module (for segmentation and list generation)

See Installing and Administering Segmentation and List Generation

The new Marketing module within the Siebel Analytics Web allows you to configure metadata for segmentation and list generation.

(Before 7.7, configuration had to be done on the Siebel Marketing Server and on the Siebel Analytics Server.)

Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide