Siebel Marketing User Guide > Planning and Budgeting for Marketing >

Creating and Submitting Budget Requests

Budget Requests allow you to create a request for money to pay for a marketing activity such as a campaign, program, or event. You can specify the amount of funding you need, associate the tactics related to the request, and submit the request for approval from the budget owner in your organization.

Budget requests can be associated with a marketing plan or created and approved without establishing a relationship to a marketing plan.

To create a budget request

  1. Navigate to the Marketing Plans screen.
  2. In the Marketing Plans link bar, select Budget Requests.
  3. In the Budget Requests list, click New and complete the fields using Table 7 as a guide.
  4. To associate programs, campaigns, or event plans with a budget request, select the Plan Tactics view tab and click Add.
Table 7.  Budget Request Fields

Budget Category (G/L Account)

Select the budget category for the request. The categories typically correspond to the values in the back-office accounting system general ledger.


The value corresponds to the categories that your organization uses to organize and review requests.

MDF Requested

This value is automatically calculated by totaling all the MDF Requests associated with any tactics in the budget request.

Net Requested

This value is automatically calculated by subtracting the MDF Requested from the Total Requested.

Line Number

You can use this field in any way that meets your business needs. For example, some general ledger systems generate a line number for each budget item. You can use this field to track the line number from your general ledger system.

Approval Status

Indicates the current approval status of the request. Choose a value from this field to submit, approve, decline, or request a revision of the request.

Approved Budget

Specify the amount of money approved for the request. This field should be used only by employees with budget authority.

Marketing Plan

Associates the request with the marketing plan.

Planning Period

Indicates the time period during which the request will be credited. For example, an annual or quarterly budgeting period.


Select the region that will spend the funds.


Associates the request with organizations that should have visibility to the request.


Indicates if approval has already been provided. When you check the preapproval flag, the value in the Approval Status field is prefilled with Approved.

Delivery Date

The date that the funds need to be available.


Select the employee positions that should have visibility to the request.


The Brand (category) related to the tactics for the request.

Product Lines

The product lines related to the request.


The products related to the request.

Target Industry

The target industry for the tactics in the request.

Market Development Funds

Select an MDF Fund to indicate the source of any MDF Requests that will be associated with tactics for the request. This relationship does not limit any associations between MDF Request and the tactics.

Actual Total Expense

The automatically calculated total of all expenses from the tactics associated with the budget request.

Actual MDF Received

The automatically calculated total of all MDF Requests associated with the budget request tactics.

To associate a budget request with a marketing plan

  1. Navigate to the Marketing Plans screen
  2. In the Marketing Plans list, drill down on the Marketing Plan name.
  3. Click the Budget Requests view tab.
  4. In the Budget Requests list, click Add.
  5. In the Pick Budget Request dialog box, select the budget request, and click OK.

    NOTE:  If there are any tactics associated with the budget request that are not already associated with a marketing plan, the tactics will automatically be associated with the marketing plan.

To submit a budget request

  1. Create a budget request.

    Make sure to complete the Total Requested field.

  2. To associate a tactic with the request, performing the following steps:
    1. Scroll down to the Plan Tactics list.
    2. In the Plan Tactics list, click Add and select the plan tactic.
  3. From the Approval Status drop-down list, choose Submitted.

Siebel Marketing User Guide