Siebel Object Interfaces Reference > Interfaces Reference > Application Methods >

LookupValue Method

Finds a row in S_LST_OF_VAL where the TYPE column matches the type argument, the CODE column matches the lang_ind_code argument, and the LANG_ID column matches the language code of the currently active language. This function is used to obtain the translation of the specified untranslated value in the specified LOV into the currently active language.


val = Application.InvokeMethod("LookupValue", type, lang_ind_cd)



Type as specified in the List of Values administration view.


Language independent code value as specified in the List of Values administration view.


Returns a string containing the display value (the VAL column) for the row. LookupValue tries to find the display value for a given language independent code. If the display value is not found, LookupValue returns the language independent code itself as the value.

Used With

COM Data Control, Java Data Bean, Mobile/Dedicated Web Client Automation Server, Server Script


The following eScript example finds a row in S_LST_OF_VAL where the TYPE column matches the type argument, the CODE column matches the lang_ind_code argument, and the LANG_ID column matches the language code of the currently active language. This function is used to obtain the translation of the specified untranslated value in the specified LOV into the currently active language.

var LOVText=TheApplication().InvokeMethod("LookupValue","SR_AREA","Network");

Siebel Object Interfaces Reference