Siebel Object Interfaces Reference

What's New in This Release

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Siebel Programming Tools

Components of the Siebel Programming Environment

Supported Uses of Siebel Programming Languages

Business Rule Definition

Custom Behavior for User Interface Components

Adding New Business Rules to a Business Component

The Siebel Script Editor

Using the Siebel Script Editor

Scripted Flag

Script Editing Preferences

The Siebel Debugger

Using the Siebel Debugger

Debugging and Run-Time Preferences

Checking Syntax


Variable Window

Siebel Calls Window

Script Tracing

Siebel Compiler and Run-Time Engine

Getting Started with Siebel VB

A Few Notes About Siebel eScript

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Installing Siebel Object Interfaces

Siebel Object Interfaces

Siebel COM Interfaces

Siebel Java Interfaces

Built-in Scripting

Usage Evaluation Matrix

Exposed Object Types

Application Object Type

Business Object Object Type

Business Component Object Type

Business Service Object Type

Applet Object Type

Property Set Object Type

User Interface Control Object Type

Summary of Exposed Object Types

Siebel Object Interface Method Syntax

Getting Started with the Siebel Object Interfaces

Accessing Siebel COM Interfaces

Accessing the Siebel Web Client Automation Server

Accessing the Siebel Mobile/Dedicated Web Client Automation Server

Instantiating the Siebel COM Data Server

Instantiating the Siebel COM Data Control

Java Data Bean

Siebel Object Interface Methods

Locating Objects

Accessing Business Components

Navigation Methods

User Interaction Methods

Global State Properties and Functions

Variable Scoping for Siebel Script Variables

Local Variables

Module Variables

Global Variables

Inter-Application Variable Methods


Siebel Object Interface Events and Siebel Extension Events

Event Method Syntax

How Your Script Affects Program Flow

Unique Names

When Events Occur

Siebel Business Component Events

Applet Events

Application Events

Connect String

Error Handling

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Interfaces Reference

Object Interface Methods Tables

Applet Methods

Application Methods

Business Component Methods

Business Object Methods

Business Service Methods

Control Methods

Property Set Methods

Miscellaneous Methods

Object Interface Events

Applet Events

Application Events

Business Component Events

Business Service Events

Siebel Constants

Applet Methods

ActiveMode Method

BusComp Method

BusObject Method

FindActiveXControl Method

FindControl Method

InvokeMethod Method

Name Method

Applet Events

Applet_ChangeFieldValue Event

Applet_ChangeRecord Event

Applet_InvokeMethod Event

Applet_Load Event

Applet_PreInvokeMethod Event

WebApplet_InvokeMethod Event

WebApplet_Load Event

WebApplet_PreCanInvokeMethod Event

WebApplet_PreInvokeMethod Event

WebApplet_ShowControl Event

WebApplet_ShowListColumn Event

Application Methods

ActiveApplet Method

ActiveBusComp Method

ActiveBusObject Method

ActiveViewName Method

Attach Method

CurrencyCode Method

Detach Method

EnableExceptions Method

FindApplet Method

GetBusObject Method

GetDataSource Method

GetLastErrCode Method

GetLastErrText Method

GetProfileAttr Method

GetService Method

GetSharedGlobal Method

GotoView Method

InvokeMethod Method

LoadObjects Method

LoadUserAttributes Method

Login Method

LoginId Method

LoginName Method

Logoff Method

LookupMessage Method

LookupValue Method

Name Method

NewPropertySet Method

PositionId Method

PositionName Method

RaiseError Method

RaiseErrorText Method

SetPositionId Method

SetPositionName Method

SetProfileAttr Method

SetSharedGlobal Method

ShowModalDialog Method

SWEAlert Method

Trace Method

TraceOff Method

TraceOn Method

Application Events

Application_Close Event

Application_InvokeMethod Event

Application_Navigate Event

Application_PreInvokeMethod Event

Application_PreNavigate Event

Application_Start Event

Business Component Methods

ActivateField Method

ActivateMultipleFields Method

Associate Method

BusObject Method

ClearToQuery Method

CountRecords Method

DeactivateFields Method

DeleteRecord Method

ExecuteQuery Method

ExecuteQuery2 Method

FirstRecord Method

FirstSelected Method

GetAssocBusComp Method

GetFieldValue Method

GetFormattedFieldValue Method

GetLastErrCode Method

GetLastErrText Method

GetMultipleFieldValues Method

GetMVGBusComp Method

GetNamedSearch Method

GetPicklistBusComp Method

GetSearchExpr Method

GetSearchSpec Method

GetUserProperty Method

GetViewMode Method

InvokeMethod Method

LastRecord Method

Name Method

NewRecord Method

NextRecord Method

NextSelected Method

ParentBusComp Method

Pick Method

PreviousRecord Method

RefineQuery Method

Release Method

SetFieldValue Method

SetFormattedFieldValue Method

SetMultipleFieldValues Method

SetNamedSearch Method

SetSearchExpr Method

SetSearchSpec Method

SetSortSpec Method

SetUserProperty Method

SetViewMode Method

UndoRecord Method

WriteRecord Method

Business Component Events

BusComp_Associate Event

BusComp_ChangeRecord Event

BusComp_CopyRecord Event

BusComp_DeleteRecord Event

BusComp_InvokeMethod Event

BusComp_NewRecord Event

BusComp_PreAssociate Event

BusComp_PreCopyRecord Event

BusComp_PreDeleteRecord Event

BusComp_PreGetFieldValue Event

BusComp_PreInvokeMethod Event

BusComp_PreNewRecord Event

BusComp_PreQuery Event

BusComp_PreSetFieldValue Event

BusComp_PreWriteRecord Event

BusComp_Query Event

BusComp_SetFieldValue Event

BusComp_WriteRecord Event

Business Object Methods

GetBusComp Method

GetLastErrCode Method

GetLastErrText Method

Name Method

Release Method

Business Service Methods

GetFirstProperty Method

GetLastErrCode Method

GetLastErrText Method

GetNextProperty Method

GetProperty Method

InvokeMethod Method

Name Method

PropertyExists Method

Release Method

RemoveProperty Method

SetProperty Method

Business Service Events

Service_InvokeMethod Event

Service_PreCanInvokeMethod Event

Service_PreInvokeMethod Event

Control Methods

Applet Method

BusComp Method

GetProperty Method

GetValue Method

Name Method

SetLabelProperty Method

SetProperty Method

SetValue Method

Property Set Methods

AddChild Method

Copy Method

GetChild Method

GetChildCount Method

GetFirstProperty Method

GetNextProperty Method

GetProperty Method

GetPropertyCount Method

GetType Method

GetValue Method

InsertChildAt Method

PropertyExists Method

RemoveChild Method

RemoveProperty Method

Reset Method

SetProperty Method

SetType Method

SetValue Method

Miscellaneous Methods

GetErrorCode Method

GetErrorMessage Method

TheApplication Method

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Accessing Siebel COM Data Server with C++

Building the Siebel COM Client in C++

Testing Your Program

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COM Data Control Quick Reference

Application Methods for COM Data Control

Business Component Methods for COM Data Control

Business Object Methods for COM Data Control

Business Service Methods for COM Data Control

Property Set Methods for COM Data Control

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COM Data Server Quick Reference

Application Methods for COM Data Server

Business Component Methods for COM Data Server

Business Object Methods for COM Data Server

Business Service Methods for COM Data Server

Property Set Methods for COM Data Server

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Mobile/Dedicated Web Client Automation Server Quick Reference

Application Methods for Mobile/Dedicated Web Client Automation Server

Business Component Methods for Mobile/Dedicated Web Client Automation Server

Business Object Methods for Mobile/Dedicated Web Client Automation Server

Business Service Methods for Mobile/Dedicated Web Client Automation Server

Property Set Methods for Mobile/Dedicated Web Client Automation Server

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Siebel Web Client Automation Server Quick Reference

SiebelHTMLApplication Methods for Siebel Web Client Automation Server

SiebelService Methods for Siebel Web Client Automation Server

PropertySet Methods for Siebel Web Client Automation Server

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Java Data Bean Quick Reference

Data Bean Methods for Java Data Bean

Business Component Methods for Java Data Bean

Business Object Methods for Java Data Bean

Business Service Methods for Java Data Bean

Property Set Methods for Java Data Bean

SiebelException Methods for Java Data Bean

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Siebel VB Quick Reference

Applet Methods for Siebel VB

Application Methods for Siebel VB

Business Component Methods for Siebel VB

Business Object Methods for Siebel VB

Business Service Methods for Siebel VB

Property Set Methods for Siebel VB

Miscellaneous Methods for Siebel VB

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Browser Scripting

Browser Script Events and Methods

Applet Methods for Browser Script

Application Methods for Browser Script

Business Component Methods for Browser Script

Business Object Methods for Browser Script

Business Service Methods for Browser Script

PropertySet Methods for Browser Script

Control Methods for Browser Script

Supported DOM Events for High Interactivity Mode

Supported DOM Events for Standard Interactivity Mode

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eScript Quick Reference

Applet Methods for eScript

Application Methods for eScript

Business Component Methods for eScript

Business Object Methods for eScript

Business Service Methods for eScript

PropertySet Methods for eScript

Miscellaneous Methods for eScript

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Invoking Custom Methods with MiniButtons

Invoking Custom Methods

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Siebel Object Interfaces Reference