Siebel Object Interfaces Reference > Programming > Getting Started with the Siebel Object Interfaces >

Instantiating the Siebel COM Data Server

Because the Siebel COM Data Server acts without the regular Siebel eBusiness Application User Interface, you must use the Login method to set up your Data Server object. You cannot use methods that retrieve active Siebel objects, because there are no current active Siebel objects. You must instantiate your own Siebel objects. Calls made to the Siebel COM Data Server are in process.

If you use Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 or later, the required support file, sobjsrv.tlb, must be in the same directory as the CFG file you are using for your Siebel application, or the COM Data Server does not work. Take the following steps to make sure you are referring to the correct library.

NOTE:  Do not run in the Microsoft VB Debug environment when communicating with the Siebel COM data server.

When using COM Data Server, the COM client cannot create multiple connections to the COM Server. The COM client must be restarted before another connection attempt can be successful. Use COM Data Control instead.

To set up Microsoft Visual Basic to access the Siebel COM Data Server

  1. Start Microsoft Visual Basic.
  2. Select Standard EXE.
  3. Choose Project > References.
  4. In the list box, select (but do not check) Siebel Data BusObject Interfaces. Near the bottom of the dialog box, note the directory in which the file sobjsrv.tlb resides, as shown in the following illustration.
  5. Check the Siebel Data BusObject Interfaces entry and click OK.

The following is sample code for the Siebel COM Data Server. Make sure that the DataSource parameter in the CFG file is set to the database to which you want to connect.

NOTE:  This code must be written and executed outside of Siebel Tools, for example in Microsoft Visual Basic.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
'Siebel Application Object
Dim siebApp As SiebelApplication
Dim siebBusObj As SiebelBusObject
Dim siebBusComp As SiebelBusComp
Dim siebSvcs As SiebelService
Dim siebPropSet As SiebelPropertySet
Dim bool As Boolean
Dim errCode As Integer
Dim errText As String
Dim connStr As String
Dim lng As String
Dim cfgLoc As String

ChDrive "D:"
ChDir "D:\Server\siebsrvr\bin "

'Create The COM Data Server Object
Set siebApp = CreateObject("SiebelDataServer.ApplicationObject")

If Not siebApp Is Nothing Then

'''COM Data Server
cfgLoc = " D:\Server\siebsrvr\bin \ENU\siebel.cfg,ServerDataSrc"
siebApp.LoadObjects cfgLoc, errCode
If errCode = 0 Then
   'Log Into the Siebel Server
   siebApp.Login "username", "password", errCode
   If errCode = 0 Then
      'Creat A Business Object
      Set siebBusObj = siebApp.GetBusObject("Contact", errCode)
      If errCode = 0 Then
         'Create a Business Component
         Set siebBusComp = siebBusObj.GetBusComp("Contact")
      errText = siebApp.GetLastErrText
      TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Business Object Creation failed: " & errCode & "::" & errText);
   End If

   'Create A New Property Set
   Set siebPropSet = siebApp.NewPropertySet(errCode)
   If errCode = 0 Then
      Set siebPropSet = Nothing
      errText = siebApp.GetLastErrText
      TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Property Set Creation failed: " & errCode & "::" & errText);
   End If

   'Get A Siebel Service
   Set siebSvcs = siebApp.GetService("Workflow Process Manager", errCode)
   If Not siebSvcs Is Nothing Then
      Set siebSvcs = Nothing
      errText = siebApp.GetLastErrText
      TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Could not Get Siebel Service: " & errCode & "::" & errText);
   End If

   If Not siebBusComp Is Nothing Then
      Set siebBusComp = Nothing
   End If
   If Not siebBusObj Is Nothing Then
      Set siebBusObj = Nothing
   End If
     errText = siebApp.GetLastErrText
     TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Login Failed: " & errCode & "::" & errText);
   End If
   errText = siebApp.GetLastErrText
   TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Load Objects Failed: " & errCode & "::" & errText);
End If

Set siebApp = Nothing

End If

End Sub

Siebel Object Interfaces Reference