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Accessing the Siebel Web Client Automation Server

The Web Client Automation Server allows external applications to invoke business services and manipulate property sets. The Web Client Automation Server is implemented as a small COM object resident within the Web browser (IE 5.0 or greater). The Web Client Automation Server can be used with the Web client and the Mobile/Dedicated Web client. The Web Client Automation Server is supported with the high interactivity mode only. If you use Windows 2000 servers, make sure to configure the security settings as described in the Security Settings topic in the Other Requirements for Employee Applications section in System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Siebel SupportWeb.

To set up Microsoft Visual Basic to access the Siebel Web Client Automation Server

  1. Start Microsoft Visual Basic.
  2. Select Standard EXE.
  3. Choose Project > References.
  4. In the list box, highlight and check the SiebelHTML 1.0 Type Library.

The following example shows how to use Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 with the Siebel Web Client Automation Server.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
'Siebel Application Object
Dim siebApp As SiebelHTMLApplication
Dim siebSvcs As SiebelService
Dim siebPropSet As SiebelPropertySet
Dim bool As Boolean
Dim errCode As Integer
Dim errText As String
Dim connStr As String
Dim lng As String
'Create The SiebelHTML Object
Set siebApp = CreateObject("Siebel.Desktop_Integration_Application.1")

If Not siebApp Is Nothing Then

   'Create A New Property Set
   Set siebPropSet = siebApp.NewPropertySet
   If Not siebPropSet Is Nothing Then
      Set siebPropSet = Nothing
      errCode = siebApp.GetLastErrCode
      errText = siebApp.GetLastErrText
      TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Property Set Creation failed: " & errCode & "::" & errText)
   End If

   'Get A Siebel Service
   Set siebSvcs = siebApp.GetService("Workflow Process Manager")
   If Not siebSvcs Is Nothing Then
      Set siebSvcs = Nothing
      errCode = siebApp.GetLastErrCode
      errText = siebApp.GetLastErrText
      TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Could not Get Siebel Service: " & errCode & "::" & errText)
   End If

Set siebApp = Nothing
End If
End Sub

Siebel Object Interfaces Reference