Siebel Object Interfaces Reference > eScript Quick Reference >

Application Methods for eScript

Table 73 lists a summary of the Application methods' syntax.

Table 73.  Application Methods Syntax Summary

ActiveBusObject Method

Returns the business object for the business component for the active applet.

var busObject;
busObject = TheApplication().ActiveBusObject();

ActiveViewName Method

Returns the name of the active view.

var sView;
sView = TheApplication().ActiveViewName();

CurrencyCode Method

Returns the three-letter operating currency code.

var sCur;
sCur = TheApplication().CurrencyCode();

GetBusObject Method

Instantiates and returns a new instance of the business object specified in the argument.

var myBusObject;
myBusObject = TheApplication().GetBusObject( BusObjectName);

Name Method

Returns the name of the application.

var name;
name = TheApplication().Name();

GetService Method

Instantiates and returns a new instance of the service specified in the argument.

var Service;
Service = TheApplication().GetService(serviceName);

GetSharedGlobal Method

Gets the shared user-defined global variables.

var sName;
sName = TheApplication().GetSharedGlobal(varName);

GotoView Method

Activates the named view and its business object.

TheApplication().GotoView( viewName,[BusinessObject]);

InvokeMethod Method

Calls the named specialized method.

TheApplication().InvokeMethod( methodName, methodArg1, methodArg2,..., methodArgn);

LoginId Method

Returns the login ID of the user who started the Siebel application.

var sID;
sID = TheApplication().LoginId();

LoginName Method

Returns the login name of the user who started the Siebel application.

var sUser;
sUser = TheApplication().LoginName();

NewPropertySet Method

Constructs and returns a new property set object.

var oPropSet;
oPropSet = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();

PositionId Method

Returns the position ID that describes the user's current position.

var sRow;
sRow = TheApplication().PositionId();

PositionName Method

Returns the position name of the user's current position.

var sPosition;
sPosition = TheApplication().PositionName();

RaiseError Method

Raises a scripting error message to the browser. The error code is a canonical number.

var keyVal;
var arg1 ...;
TheApplication().RaiseError(keyVal, arg1, ...);

RaiseErrorText Method

Raises a scripting error message to the browser. The error text is the specified literal string.

var message;

SetPositionId Method

Sets the active position to the position ID specified in the argument.

var success;
success = TheApplication().SetPositionId(posId);

SetPositionName Method

Sets the active position to the position name specified in the argument. Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the method succeeded.

var success;
success = TheApplication().SetPositionName(posName);

SetProfileAttr Method

Used in personalization to assign values to attributes in a user profile.

TheApplication().SetProfileAttr(name, value);

SetSharedGlobal Method

Sets a shared user-defined global variable.

TheApplication().SetSharedGlobal(varName, value);

Trace Method

Appends a message to the trace file.


TraceOff Method

Turns off the tracing started by TraceOn.


TraceOn Method

Turns tracing on.

TheApplication().TraceOn(filename, type, selection);

Table 74 lists a summary of the Application Events syntax.

Table 74.  Application Events Syntax Summary

Application_Close Event

Called before the application exits.


Application_InvokeMethod Event

Called after a specialized method is invoked.


Application_Navigate Event

Called after the client has navigated to a view.


Application_PreInvokeMethod Event

Called before a specialized method is invoked.


Application_PreNavigate Event

Called before the client has navigated from one view to the next.

Application_PreNavigate (DestViewName, DestBusObjName)

Application_Start Event

Called when the client starts.


Siebel Object Interfaces Reference