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Business Component Methods for eScript

Table 75 lists a summary of the Business Component methods' syntax.

Table 75.  Business Component Methods Syntax Summary

ActivateField Method

Allows queries to retrieve data for the specified field.

var myBusComp;

ActivateMultipleFields Method

Allows queries to retrieve data for the fields specified in the property set.

var myBusComp;

Associate Method

Creates a new many-to-many relationship for the parent object through an association business component.

var myBusComp;

BusObject Method

Returns the business object that contains the business component.

var myBusComp;
var busObject;
busObject = myBusComp.BusObject();

ClearToQuery Method

Clears the current query and sort specifications on the business component.

var myBusComp;

DeactivateFields Method

Deactivates every currently activated field.

var myBusComp;

DeleteRecord Method

Removes the current record from the business component.

var myBusComp;

ExecuteQuery Method

Retrieves a set of BusComp records.

var myBusComp;

ExecuteQuery2 Method

Retrieves a set of BusComp records.

var myBusComp;
myBusComp.ExecuteQuery2(cursorMode, ignoreMaxCursorSize);

FirstRecord Method

Moves to the first record in the business component.

var myBusComp;
var bIsRecord;
bIsRecord = myBusComp.FirstRecord();

FirstSelected Method

Moves to the first record of the multiple selection in the business component.

var myBusComp;
var bIsMultipleSelection;
bIsMultipleSelection =

GetAssocBusComp Method

Returns the association business component.

var myBusComp;
var AssocBusComp;
AssocBusComp = myBusComp.GetAssocBusComp();

GetFieldValue Method

Returns a value for the field specified in the argument.

var myBusComp;
var sValue;
sValue = myBusComp.GetFieldValue(FieldName);

GetFormattedFieldValue Method

Returns a formatted value for the field specified in the argument.

var myBusComp;
var sValue;
sValue = myBusComp.GetFormattedFieldValue(FieldName);

GetMultipleFieldValues Method

Returns a value for the fields specified in the property set.

var myBusComp;
myBusComp.GetMultipleFieldValues(oFields, oValues );

GetMVGBusComp Method

Returns the MVG business component associated with the field specified in the argument.

var myBusComp;
var MvgBusComp;
MvgBusComp= myBusComp.GetMVGBusComp(FieldName);

GetNamedSearch Method

Returns the named search specification specified in the argument.

var myBusComp;
var sValue;
sValue = myBusComp.GetNamedSearch(SearchName);

GetPicklistBusComp Method

Returns the pick business component associated with the field specified in the argument.

var myBusComp;
var pickBusComp;
pickBusComp = myBusComp.GetPicklistBusComp(FieldName);

GetSearchExpr Method

Returns the current search expression.

var myBusComp;
var sExpr;
sExpr = myBusComp.GetSearchExpr();

GetSearchSpec Method

Returns the current search specification for the field specified in the argument.

var myBusComp;
var sSpec;
sSpec = myBusComp.GetSearchSpec(FieldName);

GetUserProperty Method

Returns the value for a property name specified in the argument.

var myBusComp;
var sValue;
sValue = myBusComp.GetUserProperty(propertyName);

GetViewMode Method

Returns the visibility mode for the business component.

var myBusComp;
var iMode;
iMode = myBusComp.GetViewMode();

InvokeMethod Method

Calls the specialized method named in the argument.

var myBusComp;
var sReturn;
sReturn = myBusComp.InvokeMethod(methodName, methodArg1, methodArg2,..., methodArgn);

LastRecord Method

Moves to the last record in the business component.

var myBusComp;
var iReturn;
iReturn = myBusComp.LastRecord();

Name Method

Returns the name of the business component.

var myBusComp;
var sName;
sName = myBusComp.Name();

NewRecord Method

Adds a new record to the business component.

var myBusComp;

NextRecord Method

Moves to the next record in the business component.

var myBusComp;
var bFound;
bFound = myBusComp.NextRecord();

NextSelected Method

Moves to the next record of the current multiple selection.

var myBusComp;
var iReturn;
iReturn = myBusComp.NextSelected();

ParentBusComp Method

Returns the parent business component.

var myBusComp;
var parentBusComp;
parentBusComp = myBusComp.ParentBusComp();

Pick Method

Places the currently selected record in a picklist business component into the appropriate fields of the parent business component.

var myBusComp;

PreviousRecord Method

Moves to the previous record in the business component.

var myBusComp;
var iReturn;
iReturn = myBusComp.PreviousRecord();

RefineQuery Method

Refines a query after a query has been executed.

var myBusComp;

SetFieldValue Method

Assigns a new value to the named field for the current row of the business component.

var myBusComp;
myBusComp.SetFieldValue(FieldName, FieldValue);

SetFormattedFieldValue Method

Accepts the field value in the current local format and assigns the new value to the named field for the current row of the business component.

var myBusComp;
myBusComp.SetFormattedFieldValue(FieldName, FieldValue);

SetMultipleFieldValues Method

Assigns a new value to the fields specified in the property set for the current row of the business component.

var myBusComp;

SetNamedSearch Method

Sets a named search specification on the business component.

var myBusComp;
myBusComp.SetNamedSearch(searchName, searchSpec);

SetSearchExpr Method

Sets the search specification for the business component.

var myBusComp;

SetSearchSpec Method

Sets the search specification for the specified field.

var myBusComp;
myBusComp.SetSearchSpec(FieldName, searchSpec);

SetSortSpec Method

Sets the sort specification for a query.

var myBusComp;

SetUserProperty Method

Sets the value of the specified User Property.

var myBusComp;
myBusComp.SetUserProperty(propertyName, newValue);

SetViewMode Method

Sets the visibility type for the business component.

var myBusComp;

UndoRecord Method

Reverses any uncommitted changes made to the record.

var myBusComp;

WriteRecord Method

Commits to the database any changes made to the current record.

var myBusComp;

Table 76 lists a summary of the Business Component Events syntax.

Table 76.  Business Component Events Syntax Summary

BusComp_Associate Event

Called after a record is added to a business component to create an association.


BusComp_ChangeRecord Event

Called after the current row changes in the business component.


BusComp_CopyRecord Event

Called after a new row is copied in the business component.


BusComp_DeleteRecord Event

Called after a row is deleted in the business component.


BusComp_InvokeMethod Event

Called after a specialized method is invoked in the business component.


BusComp_NewRecord Event

Called after a new row has been created and made active in the business component.


BusComp_PreAssociate Event

Called before a record is added to a business component to create an association.


BusComp_PreCopyRecord Event

Called before a new row is copied in the business component.


BusComp_PreDeleteRecord Event

Called before a row is deleted in the business component.


BusComp_PreGetFieldValue Event

Called when the value of the business component field is accessed.

BusComp_PreGetFieldValue(FieldName, &FieldValue);

BusComp_PreInvokeMethod Event

Called before a specialized method is invoked on a business component.


BusComp_PreNewRecord Event

Called before a new row is created in the business component.


BusComp_PreQuery Event

Called before query execution.


BusComp_PreSetFieldValue Event

Called before a value is pushed down into the business component from the user interface.

BusComp_PreSetFieldValue(FieldName, FieldValue);

BusComp_PreWriteRecord Event

Called before a row is written out to the database.


BusComp_Query Event

Called after the query is complete and every row has been retrieved, but before they have been displayed.


BusComp_SetFieldValue Event

Called after a value has been pushed down into the business component from the user interface.


BusComp_WriteRecord Event

Called after a row is written to the database.


Siebel Object Interfaces Reference