Siebel Object Interfaces Reference > eScript Quick Reference >

Applet Methods for eScript

Table 71 lists a summary of the Applet methods' syntax.

Table 71.  Applet Methods Syntax Summary

BusComp Method

Returns the business component that is associated with the applet.

var applet;
var myBusComp;
myBusComp = applet.BusComp();

BusObject Method

Returns the business object for the business component for the applet.

var applet;
var busObject;
busObject = applet.BusObject();

InvokeMethod Method

Calls an argument-specified specialized method.

var applet;
applet.InvokeMethod(methodName, methodArg1, methodArg2, ..., methodArgn);

Name Method

Returns the name of the applet.

var applet;
var sApplet;
sApplet = applet.Name();

Table 72 lists a summary of the WebApplet Events.

Table 72.  WebApplet Events Summary

WebApplet_InvokeMethod Event

Called after a specialized method or a user-defined method on the Web applet has been executed.


WebApplet_Load Event

Called just after the Web applet is loaded.


WebApplet_PreCanInvokeMethod Event

Called before the PreInvokeMethod, allowing the developer to determine whether the user has the authority to invoke the applet method.

WebApplet_PreCanInvokeMethod(MethodName, &CanInvoke);

WebApplet_PreInvokeMethod Event

Called before a specialized method for the Web applet is invoked or a user-defined method is invoked through oWebApplet.InvokeMethod.


WebApplet_ShowControl Event

Allows scripts to modify the HTML generated by the Siebel Web Engine to render a control on a Web page in a Standard Activity application.

WebApplet_ShowControl (controlName, property, mode, &HTML);

WebApplet_ShowListColumn Event

Allows scripts to modify the HTML generated by the Siebel Web Engine to render a list column on a Web page in a Standard Activity application.

WebApplet_ShowListColumn (columnName, property, mode, &HTML);

Siebel Object Interfaces Reference