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Connect String

The connect string is a URL containing the information needed to connect to any Siebel Server component. It specifies both the protocol and the details of the Client Application Manager service in the Siebel Servers to which the client connects. The generic form of the syntax for the connect string follows:


The following is an example of a connect string. SiebelApplication is an Application instance.

SiebelApplication.Login "host=""siebel://host/EnterpriseServer/AppObjMgr""", "CCONWAY", "CCONWAY"

Note that the entire protocol string is optional. You may specify the transport protocol alone and separate it from siebel with a single period:


However, if you specify any of the other protocols, you must use a period as a placeholder for each protocol not specified. The following is an example:


Protocols that are not specified receive their default values, as shown in Table 21.

Make the following substitutions for the placeholders in the example.
Table 21.  Placeholder Substitutions When Logging into a Siebel Server
In Place Of


One of the following values:

  • tcpip (the default)
  • http


One of the following values:

  • none (default)
  • mscrypto (not supported by Java Data Bean)
  • rsa (supported by Java Data Bean)


One of the following values:

  • none
  • zlib (the default)


The name of the computer on which the Siebel Server is installed


The SCBroker port; by default 2321. This changes only if the Siebel administrator changes the default during installation.

For information about load-balancing with SCBroker, see Deployment Planning Guide, Applications Administration Guide, and Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.


The name of the Siebel Enterprise Server


  • The name of the defined Application Object Manager that you want the thin client to access; this can be a user-defined component or one of these predefined components.
  • ISSObjMgr_<lang>
  • SCCObjMgr_<lang>
  • SSEObjMgr_<lang>
  • SSVObjMgr_<lang>

For more information, read Siebel System Administration Guide.

For more information about this method, read Login Method.

The following is a sample connect string for the COM Data Control operating in Server Mode:

   'COM Data Control : SERVER Mode
   lstr = "host=" + """siebel://frashid/Siebel/SSEObjMgr"""
   'Format of the connect string is
   '"host=" + """siebel://<host>/<Enterprise>/<App. Object Mgr>"""
   lng = "lang=" + """ENU"""
   retval = siebDataCtl.Login(lng + lstr, "username", "password")

The following is a sample connect string for the COM Data Control operating in Local Mode. When running in Local Mode, the COM Data Control must reside on the same machine as the Mobile Web Client.

   'COM Data Control : LOCAL Mode
   lstr = "cfg=" + """D:\Client\mwebc\BIN\ENU\siebel.cfg,ServerDataSrc"""

   'Format of the connect string is
   '"cfg=" + """Absolute path of the CFG file, DataSource"""
   'Datasource = ServerDataSrc or Local or Sample
   lng = "lang=" + """ENU"""
   retval = siebDataCtl.Login(lng + lstr, "username", "password")

The following is a sample connect string for the COM Data Control for PowerBuilder (Char(34) denotes a double quote):

ConnStr = "host =" + char(34) + "siebel://HOST/ENTERPRISE_SERVER/SCCObjMgr/SIEBEL_SERVER" + char(34) + " Lang = " + char(34) + "LANG" + char(34)

Leveraging Load Balancing with the Connect String

Siebel COM Data Control operating in server mode and Java Data Beans support Siebel native load balancing across Siebel Servers. The standard connect string is modified to direct requests to an appropriate virtual host that includes specific Siebel Servers with the desired object manager, and to provide the path to the file that defines the virtual host.

The connect strings used to leverage Siebel native load balancing have the following requirements:

  • COM Data Control. The connect string has the folllowing structure:

    host="siebel://VirtualHost/EnterpriseServer/AppObjMgr"vhosts="<path to lbconfig.txt>"

    where lbconfig.txt is the file that defines virtual hosts.

    For information on lbconfig.txt definition of virtual hosts, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

  • Java Data Beans. The connect string has the folllowing structure:


    When using generated code, by default, virtual host definitions are read from the siebel.conmgr.virtualhosts property in the file. The file must be in the classpath of the Java Virtual Machine.

    For information on definition of virtual hosts in, see Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

The following is a sample connect string for the COM Data Control operating in server mode in an environment that implements Siebel round-robin load-balancing across Siebel Servers:

'COM Data Control : Load Balancing
lstr = "host=" + """siebel://VirtualServer1/Siebel/SSEObjMgr""" + "vhosts=" + """m:\siebel\admin\lbconfig.txt"""
lng = "lang=" + """ENU"""
retval = siebDataCtl.Login(lng + lstr, "username", "password")

Siebel Object Interfaces Reference