Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types >

Toolbar Item

Siebel Object Types > Toolbar > Toolbar Item

Associates a command object definition (identified by name as a property in the Command property) with a toolbar object definition (the parent of the toolbar item). This association places a toolbar icon, whose bitmap image, invoked method, and target are specified in the command object definition, on the specified toolbar in a given location (relative to the other toolbar icons on that toolbar).

Valid Values/Examples

Command (R)

Name of the command object definition that is to provide the bitmap, method, and target for the toolbar item.

One or more hyphens can be specified instead of the name of a command object to tell the Siebel application to insert a separator there between icons.


Display Name (O)

Text name displayed on a button on the toolbar.

Example: The text Advanced Search is displayed on the button instead of a bitmap image representing advanced searching.

Group (O)

The group name. Makes all buttons belonging to the same group work as radio buttons (that is, only one button can be pushed at a time).


HTML Attributes (O)

Reserved for future use.


HTML Type (O)

Identifies the type of control to be displayed in the toolbar in the Web browser.


HTML Width (O)

The width of the toolbar in pixels in the HTML thin client.


HTML Width - Language Override (O)

Provides the ability to change the width of the toolbar in pixels in the HTML thin client when a particular language/locale is active.


Name (R)

Name of the toolbar item.


Position (O)

Specifies the position of the toolbar item.


Position - Language Override (O)

Provides the ability to change the position of the toolbar item when a particular language/locale is active.


Target View Frame (O)

The HTML page loaded into the frame that is specified by this property.


Type (R)

The toolbar item type.

Valid values are Button, Combo Box, Edit, Label, and Separator.

Width (R)

Width of the toolbar item.


Width - Language Override (O)

Provides the ability to change the width of the toolbar item when a particular language/locale is active.


User Override

The placement of a toolbar icon on a toolbar and the order of that icon relative to the other icons are only established as defaults for Siebel applications by the specification of toolbar item properties in Siebel Tools. The user can choose to override these placements; the user's override settings are stored in a local preferences file and are manipulated through the Customize dialog box in Siebel applications.

See Also


Object Types Reference