Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types >

Business Component

Siebel Object Types > Business Component

Defines a logical entity that associates columns from one or more tables into a single structure. Business components provide a layer of wrapping over tables, and the applets reference business components rather than the underlying tables. This design creates convenience (all associated columns together in one bundle), developer-friendly naming, and the isolation of the developer role from the system administrator role.

A business component not only encapsulates data, but is used by the developer to define the behavior of the entity.

A virtual business component represents external data as a business component. For a list of supported and unsupported attributes on field objects in virtual business components, read Virtual Business Components.

You can add user properties to business components.

Valid Values/Examples

Browser Class (O)(H)

Not used.

Not applicable.

Cache Data (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

For more information, read Cache Data.

TRUE = Data is read once for each query; that is, if the same query on a given business component is executed twice, the data is read only once. If the business component is queried again with different search specifications, the data is read again.

FALSE = Business component data is read each time the data is requested.

Class (R)

The name of the class that dictates the behavior of the business component.

Example: CSSBcVAbsResult.

Data Source (O)

Allows a business component to use a different configuration file data source name (such as Server or Local) than the one the application is currently using. This is necessary for business components whose data comes from a database other than the normal SQL database.

If a business component specifies a data source, then all the tables it joins to (implicitly and explicitly) must be in the same data source. This is appropriate where there is a pocket of self-contained functionality, such as server administration.

If this property is empty, then the data source that was used to start the product is used.

Dirty Reads (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value. This property is ignored except when running against a Sybase database.

When TRUE, users read data that can be changed without their knowledge. This feature is desirable with applications because the data is available for reading and anybody can update it. If dirty reads were not allowed, then nobody could update the data until everybody was finished displaying the data.

However, if dirty reads are allowed, the data can be updated immediately as long as the same record has not been modified by another user since it was last queried. For example, if user 1 updates a record and user 2 is not aware of the change and tries to update the same record, user 2 gets a message stating that the data has been updated and he or she needs to query again.

TRUE (default)= The business component supports database dirty reads.

FALSE = The business component does not support database dirty reads.

Distinct (O)

Not used.

Not applicable.

Enclosure Id Field (O)

The ID of a recipient of literature, usually the contact ID.


Extension Type (O)

Used in conjunction with the extension tables.

If no value is specified, this property defaults to LINK if running Sybase and to JOIN otherwise.

LINK = A separate SQL statement is executed to retrieve the extended data; this property is used with a Sybase database server due to Sybase's 2 KB record length limit.

JOIN = The extension table is joined and the extended data is retrieved with the rest of the data. If no value is specified, this property defaults to LINK if running Sybase and to JOIN otherwise.

Force Active (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = All fields are automatically retrieved from the database server. This substantially degrades the performance of the business component and is not recommended.

FALSE = (Default) Only those fields registered by the user interface or by a specialized business component are retrieved. This improves performance by retrieving only those data items required by the user interface or specialized business component.

GenReassignAct (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = If the business component uses an MVG for visibility (sales team) and this value is TRUE, then an activity is generated when the primary team member changes.

FALSE = No activity is generated.

Hierarchy Parent Field (O)

Enables the business component to be a specialized hierarchy business component. The field specified there stores the parent information in the hierarchies. Shows nesting in Hierarchical list applets.


Insert Update All Columns (S)

Used internally to make all SQL INSERT and UPDATE statements include all columns. During internal batch processing the program can reuse parsed statements much more effectively.

Do not modify this value.


Log Changes (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Logging is enabled.

FALSE = Logging is disabled.

Maximum Cursor Size (O)

If this property if set, it overrides MaxCursorSize in the configuration file.

The maximum number of records to retrieve from the database server (DB2 UDB only).

If -1, then records are retrieved until the EOF is reached; if a number is greater than 0, then, at most, that number of records is retrieved and reading is discontinued.

Also works for MVG business components. For more information, read MVG Business Component.

Valid values are -1 or a number greater than 0.

Multi Recipient Select (S)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

Set by the Service Request business component.

TRUE = Multiple noncontact record selection for correspondence generation is allowed.

FALSE = Multiple noncontact record selections for correspondence generation is not allowed.

Name (R)

A name for the business component.

The name must be unique among business components. It can contain spaces but it cannot contain special characters.

No Delete (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value that puts limitations on what operations can be performed on the business component.

This property is ignored if the current view has the property Admin Mode Flag set to TRUE.

TRUE = New records cannot be deleted through the business component.

FALSE = New records can be deleted through the business component.

No Insert (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value that puts limitations on what operations can be performed on the business component.

This property is ignored if the current view has the property Admin Mode Flag set to TRUE.

TRUE = New records cannot be added through the business component.

FALSE = New records can be added through the business component.

No Merge (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value that puts limitations on what operations can be performed on the business component.

This property is ignored if the current view has the property Admin Mode Flag set to TRUE.

If this property is set to FALSE, then the No Delete property must also be set to FALSE, because merging requires that one of the records be deleted.

TRUE = The user cannot merge two existing records into a single record.

FALSE = The user can merge two existing records into a single record.

No Update (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value that puts limitations on what operations can be performed on the business component.

This property is ignored if the current view has the property Admin Mode Flag set to TRUE.

TRUE = Records cannot be updated through the business component.

FALSE = Records can be updated through the business component.

Owner Delete (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value that establishes the deletion rights of the user to the business component.

The owner of a record in a business component set up for team visibility mode (non-blank Visibility MVLink and Visibility Emp MVField properties) is the primary position on the sales team.

The owner when set up for position-based personal visibility is the position in the field pointed to by the Position Visibility Field property.

When a view is designated for Admin mode, the Owner Delete protection is disabled, and anyone having access to the view can delete any record.

TRUE = Only the owner (under personal or team visibility) can delete the record.

FALSE = Anyone can delete the record.

Placeholder (O)

Not used.

Not applicable.

Popup Visibility Auto All (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

If TRUE then if user has access to any "All" views, then pop-up visibility is All; otherwise pop-up visibility is determined by Popup Visibility Type property.


Popup Visibility Type (O)

The type of pop-up visibility.

If null, then the default value of Sales Rep is used.

Values are All, Personal, Sales Rep, Manager, Organization, Sub-Organization, Group, and Catalog.

PreFetch Size (O)

If this property if set, it overrides MaxCursorSize in the configuration file.

Used in conjunction with the Maximum Cursor Size property (DB2 UDB only). PreFetch Size controls how many records are requested up front while the business component is being accessed.

When you set this number to be the same as the Maximum Cursor Size during the execution call, the PreFetch Size number of records is read. Because that number is the same as Maximum Cursor Size as well, the database cursor is closed, freeing up the cursor to be used for the next query.

Also works for MVG business components. For more information, read MVG Business Component.


Recipient Id Field (O)

The ID for a recipient of correspondence, usually the contact ID. This is the field of the other business object that contains the ID, not the ID itself.


Reverse Fill Threshold (O)

The maximum number of records to read when executing the "first record" or "last record" request before the SQL statement is automatically re-executed with a reversed sort sequence.

The default is 100.

Scripted (S)

A TRUE or FALSE value indicating whether the business component has a Siebel VB or Siebel eScript script attached to it.

TRUE = Siebel script attached.

FALSE = No Siebel script attached.

Search Specification (O)

A conditional expression used to restrict the records retrieved.

The property text is limited to 255 characters.

Sort Specification (O)

A sort expression used to order the records returned.

Use of a specialized business component class (that is, other than CSSBusComp) may disable a sort specification.

Because predefined queries are shared across all visibility types, most likely the current sort specification may be slow in the All and Manager view modes. For this reason, Siebel applications force the sort in the All Visibility Mode to be on the primary key and on a column in the denormalized reporting relationship table for Manager mode.

Users can still sort records after the initial query. For better performance, they should do so after filtering for a smaller record set.

You cannot define a sort specification on an admin list.

The property text is limited to 255 characters.

For more information, read Sort Specification

Status Field (O)

The name of a field whose value determines the New status for a record.

If the specified field evaluates to TRUE, it indicates that the record is new. If FALSE, it indicates that the record has been viewed.

This property should be used in conjunction with the visibility properties on the business component, such as Visibility MVLink and Position Visibility Field.


Synonym Field (O)

A field (single- or multi-value) that contains synonyms for the business component. When this property is specified, bounded picklists on the business component search the synonyms for matches as well as the appropriate name field.


Table (R)

The name of the primary SQL table where records are retrieved.

This property is not used for virtual business components.

The table's name is case-sensitive and must be specified the same as it is in the database.

XA Attribute Value BusComp (O)

Specifies if the business component has extended dynamic attributes enabled.

This property indicates which child business component stores the attribute values for this business component.


XA Class Id Field (O)

Specifies if the business component has extended dynamic attributes enabled.

This property indicates which field in this business component stores the class info.


Restrictions on Inserts, Updates, and Deletes

Although other tables can be specified within a business component using a join, all INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations are performed on the table defined by the business component's Table property.


The persistence of a particular instance of a business component ends when the instance of the business object that is referencing it ends.

Cache Data

If you cache the contents of a business component and the contents are changed, the business component shows "stale" data. This occurs when the same user changes part of the contents through another business component (for example, a multi-value link business component) or "user two" changes the data while "user one" is still connected.

For this reason, you should use caching only with semistatic data like lists of values and products. Do not use caching with volatile data like accounts and opportunities because of the potential for the client-side cache to be out of sync with what is actually in the database.

Do not set both the Cache Data property of the Business Component object and the Use Primary Join property of the Multi Value Link object type to TRUE. This is because if the primary record on the MVG business component is changed, the update is not reflected in the (cached) parent.

MVG Business Component

Maximum Cursor Size and PreFetch Size properties also work for MVG business components. These properties are available for DB2 UDB only. The number of rows returned for the first operation is affected by the following:

  • If the MVG business component is using aggregation (for example, the sum or count functions), every record is read.
  • The MVG business component tries to make the primary record the current record. Therefore, the MVG business component loads records until the primary record is found. So, if the primary record is number 4000, then 4,000 records are loaded.

    To prevent this behavior of reading up to the primary record, you could use a detail view (for example, Contact-Address detail view, with the Contact in the top applet, and a list of addresses in the bottom applet) instead of the MVG.

Sort Specification

At times, it might appear that the All and Manager view modes are being ignored in the Siebel application. This is not always the case. The All Mode Sort business component user property also controls the behavior for the All and Manager view modes. For more information about this user property, read Siebel Developer's Reference.

See Also

BusComp Server Script
Multi Value Field

For information about user properties, read Siebel Developer's Reference. For information about virtual business components, read Siebel Developer's Reference or Overview: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume I.

Object Types Reference