Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types >


Siebel Object Types > Table > Column

Corresponds to one column in a database table that is represented by the parent table object definition.

Valid Values/Examples

Alias (O)

Not used.

Not applicable.

ASCII Only (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = ASCII text is used within the columns.

The default is FALSE.

Cascade Clear (O)

For Siebel Systems use only.


Default (O)

For Siebel Systems use only.


Denormalization Path (O)

For Siebel Systems use only.


EIM Processing Column Flag (O)

For Siebel Systems use only.


FK Column 1:M Rel Name (O)

For Siebel Systems use only.


FK Column M:1 Rel Name (O)

For Siebel Systems use only.


Force Case (O)

Indicates the case of the letters in the column.

Valid values are FirstUpper, Lower, None, and Upper.

Foreign Key Table (Foreign Key Table Name) (O)

Specifies the table to which this column is a foreign key, used by EIM.

Leave NULL in extension columns.


LOV Bounded (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

If LOV Bounded is TRUE, EIM checks the values as it imports against the values contained in a list defined in LOV Type. In that case, LOV data should be imported first into S_LST_OF_VAL, and LOV Type must be specified.

This property is read-only for standard columns in Siebel applications but is editable for columns that have been added by way of the Database Extension Designer.

TRUE = Requires that a field based on this column be populated with a value from the list defined in LOV Type.

FALSE = There is no restriction on values entered for a field based on this column.

LOV Type (O)

Specifies the list of values domain in which this column is validated. Used in conjunction with the LOV Bounded property. List of values domains are defined in List of Values Administration in the client.

This property is read-only for standard columns in Siebel applications but is editable for columns that have been added by way of the Database Extension Designer.


Name (R)

Specifies the name, which must be unique within the table.


No Match Value (O)

A string value used to indicate unmatched primary Id fields. Should only be configured for the primary key column of the base table of a MVG External Business Component. If this is left blank, the default string "No Match Row Id" is used.

Typically this property should be left blank. It should be set to an alternative string value only for the base tables of External Business Components that generate their own RowId values that might conflict with the default "No Match Row Id" string.

Nullable (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = NULL can be stored in this column by the database.

FALSE = NULL cannot be stored in this column by the database.

Physical Type Name (Physical Type) (R)

Identifies the data type of the column in the database.

  • Character = Fixed-length text.
  • Long = Long text.
  • Varchar = Variable-length text.
  • Number = Any numeric data.
  • Date = Date values only, without time.
  • Date Time = Combined date and time values in the same column.
  • Time = Time values only, without the date.

Precision (R)

The total number of digits in a number column.

For noninteger columns, the precision is 22. For integer columns, the precision is 10.


Primary Child Col (S)

Used by EIM. For Siebel Systems use only.


Primary Child Column Name (O)

The name of the column that contains the primary ID value.


Primary Child Join Column Name (O)

The name of the child table column on which to join the base record.


Primary Child Table Name (O)

The name of the table from which the primary child is to be found.


Primary Inter Table Name
(Primary Inter Table) (O)

Used by EIM. For Siebel Systems use only.


Primary Join Column Name (O)

The name of the column on which to join to the base record.


Primary Key (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Consider this column part of the primary key of the table.

Required (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = The application requires this column. For example, even if the database allows NULLs, the application does not.

Scale (O)

The number of decimal digits in a number column, out of the total number of digits (precision).

For noninteger columns, the scale is 7. For integer columns, the scale is 0.


Sequence (O)

Represents the sequence with which the columns of a cluster index are physically stored.

Although this property is set primarily with the MSSql platform in mind, it should be applicable to all other platforms as well.

An integer value.

Sequence Object (O)

Specifies the name of the RDBMS utility that generates a unique sequence number for the table column.

For Siebel Systems use only.


System Field Mapping (O)

Used to indicate alternative mapping of columns to system fields. Should only be configured for tables used by external business components.

"Conflict Id", "Created", "Created By", "Extension Parent Id", "Mod Id", "Non-system", "Updated", "Updated By", and "Id". Should be left blank for all Siebel Business Components.

Text Length (O)

The length in characters for Text and Varchar columns.


Translation Table Name (O)

The name of the translation table.

Values are S_LST_OF_VAL and NULL. Enables multilingual list of value functionality when set to S_LST_OF_VAL.

Txn Log Code (O)

Not used.

Not applicable.

Type (S)

Describes what this column is used for.

Values include Data (Public), Data (Private), Extension, Denormalized, and System.

Use FKey (S)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Indicates that this foreign key is to be used by synchronization in evaluating visibility. Leave FALSE in extension columns.

User Key Sequence (O)

The sequence in the user key where this column fits.


User Name (R)

The "user-friendly" name for the column.


Valid Condition (O)

The expression for validating column values.


Properties for Custom Extension Columns

When configuring a custom extension column, you should only set the following properties (at a maximum): Comments, Default, Foreign Key Table Name, Inactive, LOV Bounded, LOV Type, Name, Nullable, Physical Type, Precision, Scale, Text Length.

Inactive Property

If the Inactive property is set to TRUE, the column is not created with the database server installation.

See Also


Object Types Reference