Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications > Setting Up Network Ordering > About the Compound Product Validation Engine and the Projected Asset Cache >

Compound Product Validation Engine (CPVE)

The Compound Product Validation Engine is a business service that performs these major tasks:

  • It finds and sets the Future Date that will be passed into the Projected Asset Cache so only line items whose Due Date is prior to the Future Date are loaded into the Projected Asset Cache.
  • With the Product Id of the Compound Product that it was passed, it invokes all the Compound Product Business Service Rules associated with this Product Id. It then accumulates all the required unique Fields and Attributes within these Business Service Rules.
  • It initializes the Projected Asset Cache and passes it the required fields and attributes as parameters.
  • After the Projected Asset Cache has built the in-memory future requested compound product instance, the Compound Product Validation Engine invokes all associated Business Services and their rules to operate on the in-memory object instance containing the future projected state of the compound product.
  • It formats the rules violations into a single error message to display to the user.

For details on each of Rule Checker Business Service methods, see Compound Product Validation Engine Service Methods.

The Projected Asset Cache

The Projected Asset Cache holds an in-memory version of the future requested state of the compound product instance. The future requested state is needed to allow us to validate across the entire compound product, regardless of whether the data is currently in the Quote, Order, or Asset business object.

After the Projected Asset Cache is instantiated, its contents are used at two different points, summarized in Table 8.

Table 8.  Benefits of the Projected Asset Cache
Use of the Projected Asset Cache

When the user clicks the Validate button on a quote or order, compound product validation rules (Simple Expression Rules and Minimum and Maximum Quantity Rules) are executed on the contents of the Projected Asset Cache.

Validates across the entire compound product instance regardless of whether the data resides in the Quote, Order, or Asset object.

When the user selects the From/To Nodes for a network component product of type Network Connection, the nodes displayed in the Pick Network Node applet are taken from the Projected Asset Cache.

Allows a user to select a node that is either already an installed asset node or an asset that is undergoing a change order.

There are two key functions to the Projected Asset Cache:

Retrieve Data

To retrieve data, the Projected Asset Cache queries the following business components:

  • Quote Item
    • Quote Item XA,
  • Order Entry - Line Item
    • Order Item XA
  • Asset Mgmt - Asset
    • Asset Mgmt - Asset XA

Within these Business Components, it limits the retrieval of data to only those fields and attributes required by the rules checkers. To find this information, it:

  • Loads all the Asset records
  • Finds all open orders associated with these Asset records
  • Loads all quote line items for the current quote associated with the Compound Product.

The projected asset cache then uses a predefined Field Mapping Service business service (which is discussed next) to translate the field names among business components.

Build the Future Requested State of the Product Instance

After retrieving the data, the Projected Asset Cache builds the future requested state of the compound product instance. It takes into consideration all assets in the Compound Product and applies all open orders due to complete prior to the specified date. It then applies the current quote or order to generate the future requested state of the compound product instance, as shown in Figure 67.

Figure 67.  Future Requested State of a Compound Product

This in-memory future requested compound product instance is stored in the business service. It is available for performing validations until it is released or a new initialization of the Projected Asset Cache occurs.

Because the projected asset cache can include any field in the Asset Mgmt - Asset BusComp and also includes data from the Quote Line Item and Order Line Item, the fields must be mapped across three different business components.

This mapping is done by the Field Mapping Service business service. Table 9 gives an example of one field mapping, which translates the Service Point Serial Number field in the Asset Mgmt-Asset BC to the corresponding field in the Quote Item and Order Entry - Line Item business component.

Table 9.  Sample of Field Mappings

Asset Mgmt - Asset:Quote Item Map 2

[Service Point Serial Number]:[Service Point]

Asset Mgmt - Asset:Order Entry - Line Items Map 2

[Service Point Serial Number]:[Service Point]

If you add custom fields to the Business Components from which the Projected Asset Cache retrieves data, and you want to use these fields either in Simple Expression Rules or custom rules as part of a custom business service, you need to add new field mappings, as described in this section.

Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.