Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > CHAMP Planning > Executing the Plan and Evaluating Performance >

Reviewing Partner Performance

After the plan has been completed, you should conduct a thorough review of the partner company's performance. You can see how it performed by comparing the actual values with the target values. You may also want to compare that partner with other partners on similar metrics, to see which partners are performing the best.

Then you should take the following actions based on your evaluation:

  • For nonperforming partners, you can make changes in future action plan items to make them more feasible, you can recommend corrective actions to the partner, or you can take some other corrective action, such as giving the partner more training.
  • Performing partners should be rewarded. For example, you could increase their MDFs, give them more opportunities, give them awards or recognize them for a job well done, or reward them in some other way.

After you have finished working on an initiative and you have evaluated its success, you can start a new planning cycle by creating new initiatives. Your reviews of the partners' performance and of the initiative's performance will help you plan the next initiative more successfully.

Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide