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Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide

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How This Guide Is Organized

Revision History

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About Siebel PRM

What Is Siebel PRM?

The Siebel Partner Portal

Siebel Partner Portal Login Page

Siebel Partner Portal Screens

The Siebel Partner Manager

Screens the Siebel Partner Manager Shares With Other Siebel Applications

Screens That Are Specific to the Siebel Partner Manager

Supported Browsers

The Siebel Mobile Web Client

The Siebel PRM Wireless Client

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Setting Up Siebel PRM

About Siebel PRM Setup Processes

Installing and Configuring Siebel PRM

Installing Siebel PRM

Activating Workflows

Configuring High Interactivity

Configuring Siebel PRM

Personalizing Siebel PRM

Setting Up Advanced Search

Setting Up Analytics

Setting Up Siebel PRM

Setting Up the Organization Structure

Defining Partner Responsibilities

Administering Roles

Setting Up Access Groups and Categories

Creating Price Lists

Setting Up Automatic Routing of Information

Adding Partner Companies and Employees

Creating CHAMP Metrics

Configuring Visibility

About Visibility Enhancements in Siebel PRM

Configuring Visibility of Pop-Up or Pick Applets

Configuring Visibility of Child Objects in Views

Allowing Users to Change Primary on a Visibility Team

Siebel Partner Web Services

Siebel Tools for Partner Web Services

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Setting Up Application Services Interfaces

About Application Services Interfaces

Set Up of ASIs

Setting Up Opportunity Transfer

Setting Up Shopping Cart Transfer

General Setup for ASIs

ASI Workflows

Opportunity Transfer Workflows

Shopping Cart Transfer Workflows

Business Services Used by ASIs

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Working With New Partners

About Partner Registration and Enrollment

The Siebel Partner Portal Homepage

Providing Information for Public Users

Registering Individual Partners

Configuring the Individual Partner Homepage

Controlling Individual Partners' Access to Data

Thanking Individual Partners for Registering

Enrolling New Partner Companies

Enrollment Process

Displaying and Assessing Prospective Partner Companies

Adding a Partner Record by Approving a Partner Company

Registering the Partner Company

Assigning Responsibilities to the Partner Company

Assigning Positions to the Partner Company

Assigning Master Data to the Partner Company

Adding User Assignments at the Partner Company

Assigning Roles to the Partner Company

Contacting the New Delegated Administrator

Adding Locations for the Partner Locator

Completing the Partner Profile

Other Ways of Adding Partner Records

Delegated Administration

Delegated User Administration

Delegated Catalog Administration

Delegated Communication Administration

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CHAMP Planning

About CHAMP Planning

Business Scenario

Using the Siebel PRM CHAMP Planning Module

Creating CHAMP Metrics

Viewing CHAMP Metrics

Adding New CHAMP Metrics

Creating Initiatives

Adding an Initiative

Adding Partners as Participants in an Initiative

Using Partner Plans

Adding a Plan and Its Highlights

Approving the Plan Internally and Publishing It to the Partner

Approving the Plan Jointly with the Partner

Adding Notes to the Plan

Executing the Plan and Evaluating Performance

Evaluating Partner Performance

Reviewing Partner Performance

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Sharing Data With Partners

About Transactional and Master Data

Sharing Transactional Data with Partners

Assigning Opportunities to a Partner

Viewing a Partner's Opportunities

Assigning Service Requests to a Partner

Viewing Partner Service Requests

Assigning Customer Accounts to a Partner

Assigning Contacts to a Partner

Assigning Activities to a Partner

Viewing a Partner's Quotes

Assigning an Order to a Partner Employee

Assigning Assets to Partners

Assigning Inventory to Partners

Sharing Files With Partners

Sharing Master Data with Partners

Creating Categories and Access Groups

Adding Partner Companies to Access Groups

Adding Master Data to Categories

Assigning Price Lists to Partner Companies

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Managing Sales

About Managing Sales

Scenarios for Partner-Led Sales

Brand Owner Creates Opportunities and Assigns Them to Partners

Brand Owner Creates Opportunities and Transfers Them to Partners

Partners Create and Work on Opportunities

Scenarios for Collaborative Selling

Brand Owner Creates Opportunities and Brand Owner and Partner Work Together on Them

Partner Creates Opportunities and Brand Owner and Partner Work Together on Them

Partner Creates Opportunities and Assigns Them to Brand Owner

A Customer Transfers a Shopping Cart From the Brand Owner's Web Site to a Partner

Opportunity Management Workflows

Scenarios for Forecasting Partner Sales

Brand Owner Forecasts Partner Revenue

Partner Managers at the Brand Owner Forecast Revenue for Multiple Partners

Partners Forecast Their Revenue Without the Brand Owner Viewing Forecasts

Using Presentations and Proposals

Using Incentive Compensation

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Managing Service

About Managing Service

Managing Customer Service Requests

Scenarios for Partner-Led Customer Service

Scenarios for Collaborative Customer Service

Scenarios for Field Service

Managing Partners' Service Requests

Using Solutions and SmartScripts to Help Partners Solve Problems

Business Example Using Solutions and SmartScripts

Making Solutions Available to Partners

Making Troubleshooting or Instruction SmartScripts Available to Partners

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Managing Marketing

About Managing Marketing

Collaborative Marketing with Partners

Planning Collaborative Marketing

Managing Collaborative Marketing Campaigns

Marketing to Partners

Creating and Executing Campaigns

Making Campaign Offers to Partners

Marketing by Your Partners

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Managing Partner Commerce

About Partner Commerce

Setting Up Partners for Standard, Power, and Personal Commerce

Scenarios for Partner Commerce

Partners Shopping for Themselves

Partners Shopping for Customers

Disabling the Partner Commerce Workflows

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Partner-to-Partner Collaboration

About Partner-to-Partner Collaboration

Partner Collaboration

Siebel Projects

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Using Market Development Funds

About Market Development Funds

Creating a Market Development Fund

Creating a New Fund Record

Adding Partner Companies as Fund Participants

Adding Funding to the Market Development Fund

Setting Up Fund Approval Authorization

Authorizing Employees to Approve Fund Requests

Changing the Partner Manager Field

Initiating a Fund Request

Working with Fund Requests

Adding Attachments to Fund Requests

Adding Activities to Fund Requests

Adding Activity Plans to Fund Requests

Reviewing a Fund Request

Viewing Fund Requests for a Partner Company

Viewing the Status of a Fund Request

Viewing a Fund's Checkbook

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Managing Your Partners

Tracking Partner Information

Using the Partner and Partnership Profile

Entering Partner Management Activities

Entering Partner Agreements

Adding Partner Company Attachments

Entering Partner Contacts

Entering Partnership Contacts

Adding Notes About a Partner Company

Creating a Partner Company Organization Chart

Uploading Partner Logos

Managing Partner Training Courses

Training From the Partner's Perspective

Administering Partner Training

Tracking Partner Training

Certifying Your Partners

Creating Certification Metrics

Creating Certification Templates

Associating Certifications with a Partner Company

Recording Partners' Progress

Checking a Partner's Progress

Displaying Certified Partners

Displaying Certifications Across Partners

Communicating with Your Partners

Using Partner Alerts

Using Siebel eBriefings, eContent Services, and eContent Broker

Administering Partner Satisfaction Surveys

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Reporting on Partner Performance

About Partner Performance and Reporting

Using CHAMP Planning

Using Partner Performance Reports

Using Assessments to Evaluate Partner Performance

Using Siebel PRM Reports

Siebel Analytics

Siebel Partner Analysis

Viewing Available Siebel Analytics Reports

Siebel Portal Analytics

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Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide