Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > Working With New Partners >

The Siebel Partner Portal Homepage

Siebel PRM uses one home page for public, individual and registered users. Applets on the home page are hidden or displayed based on the user's login, in order to personalize the home page for each different type of user.

When you create your home page, you must control what applets and content are displayed to different types of users.

Personalization rules are used to control whether applets are hidden or displayed. Personalization is based either on global variables or on profile attributes, depending on whether the user is anonymous, self-registered or registered.

For example, personalization uses a global variable to determine whether the user is anonymous.

Other personalization rules use profile attributes to determine whether the user has a position or not. For example, the Partner Alerts Center applet on the home page will only appear if the user is not anonymous, that is, if the user has registered as an individual or company. The Program Information appears if the user is anonymous.

Other personalization rules, used in the salutation applet, can be based on many other profile attributes, such as the user's organization or geography.

For more information about personalization, see Personalization Administration Guide.

Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide