Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > Managing Your Partners > Communicating with Your Partners >

Administering Partner Satisfaction Surveys

Partner satisfaction surveys allow you to measure how satisfied your partners are with their working relationship with your company.

Partners employees can go to the Partner Satisfaction screen of the Siebel Partner Portal, click a link to display the survey, answer a series of multiple-choice questions, enter free-form comments, and submit the survey.

Viewing the Results of Partner Satisfaction Surveys

The brand owner can use the Partner screen of the Siebel Partner Manager to display the results of these surveys. These results help them to develop plans to improve their working relations with their partners.

To view the results of partner satisfaction surveys

  1. Navigate to the Partners screen.
  2. In the Partners list, select the partner company whose training courses you want to view.
  3. Click the Survey view tab.

    A list of all surveys submitted by employees of that partner company appears, with fields that represent overall satisfaction and the questions in each survey.

  4. Select a record in the Survey list and scroll down to see the Partner Satisfaction Survey form, which includes the full questions and answers for the survey, and the Satisfaction Level form, which lets you view several charts of the overall satisfaction level for the survey.

Configuring Partner Satisfaction Surveys

You can use the partner satisfaction surveys that are provided with Siebel PRM, or you can change these surveys by configuring them using Siebel Tools.

To modify questions, you must configure the product in three places:

  • In the Partner Satisfaction Survey Applet (SCW) applet, each question corresponds to a control, which you can modify using Siebel Tools.
  • In the Partner Satisfaction Survey Questions applet, each question corresponds to a control, which you can modify using Siebel Tools.
  • In the Partner Satisfaction Survey List Applet, each question corresponds to a list column, which you can modify using Siebel Tools.

For more information about using Siebel Tools, see Siebel Tools Reference.

Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide