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Performance Tuning Terminology

Table 2 provides definitions of specific terms related to performance and tuning Siebel eBusiness Applications. For definitions of performance and scalability, see About Performance and Scalability.

For more information about some of these terms and concepts (including concurrent users and think time) in the context of tuning Application Object Manager (AOM) components, see Performance Factors for AOM Deployments.

For definitions of terms used commonly with Siebel eBusiness Applications, refer to the Glossary.

Table 2.  Performance Tuning Terminology

Concurrent users

The number of application users actively using and accessing the Siebel application, or a particular element such as an AOM process, at a particular time.


Delay experienced in network transmissions as network packets traverse the network infrastructure.

Think time

The wait time between user operations. For example, if a user navigates to the Account screen and reviews data for 10 seconds before performing another operation, the think time in this case is 10 seconds.

Average think time is a critical element in performance and scalability tuning, particularly for AOM. When think time values are correctly forecasted, then actual load levels will be close to anticipated loads.


An operating system (OS) process. For example, a Siebel Server component such as AOM consists of multiple OS processes, referred to as multithreaded processes.

Multithreaded process (or MT server)

A process running on a multithreaded Siebel Server component that supports multiple threads (tasks) per process. AOM components run multithreaded processes that support threads.


A concept for Siebel applications of a unit of work that can be done by a Siebel Server component. Siebel tasks are typically implemented as threads.


An operating system feature for performing a given unit of work. Threads are used to implement tasks for most Siebel Server components. A multithreaded process supports running multiple threads to perform work such as to support user sessions.

Response time

Amount of time the Siebel application takes to respond to a user request, as experienced by the end user. Response time is an aggregate of time incurred by all server processing and transmission latency for an operation. Response time is based on processing related to the request and to processing for other requests that may affect this user request.


Typically expressed in transactions per second (TPS), expresses how many operations or transactions can be processed in a set amount of time.

Performance Tuning Guide