Pricing Administration Guide > Siebel ePricer Deployment and Integration >

Standard Configuration Settings

Configuration settings can be set at the server level and at the remote client level. The standard configuration file includes a section called Pricing Cache which should appear as follows:


PricerPriceListCacheSize = 50

PricerPriceItemCacheSize = 100

PricerVolDisCacheSize = 50

PricerPriceModelCacheSize = 50

Parameters specifying cache size typically determine the number of records cached locally. When the specified cache limit is reached, the next new record must be loaded. The cache sizes above are samples. As a rule, you should not change the cache sizes specified for your system unless advised to do so by your server administration.

The range of acceptable cache sizes varies depending upon the machine, except that there is a logical minimum. The minimum is logically two, since a cache size of one would effectively mean that no caching could take place. The maximum depends on the practical maximum that is defined operationally. You can cache more records on a bigger machine that has more memory without creating problems.

The elements in the local Pricing Cache section function as follows:

  • PricerPriceListCacheSize. This applies to the price list records at the header level.
  • PricerPriceItemCacheSize. This applies to the price list line item records for each price list cache.
  • PricerVolDisCacheSize. This applies to the volume discount records, including their children.
  • PricerPriceModelCacheSize. This applies to the model cache.

If the preceding parameters are set at the local level, then they override settings for the same parameters at the server administration level.

The following parameters are set at the server administration level, and typically do not appear at the local level. If the following parameters do appear at your local level, check with your system administrator to determine whether they will override settings for the same parameters at the server administration level.

The following parameters do not affect the customizable product pricing data. This is the data you define in the Pricing Designer for a specified customizable product. The customizable product pricing caches are not guaranteed to be refreshed within any specific time period. Customizable product pricing caches refresh one port at a time. As you switch to another port in the customizable product, the customizable product pricing cache will refresh.

  • PriceListCacheLifeTime. This is the lifetime of the price list header information where the integer value represents seconds, the time unit of measure. The price list header information must be reloaded after this number of seconds has passed. If all other factors remain the same, there is a trade-off between refresh-time and loading speed. If you decrease a LifeTime value, the result is more frequent refresh of data and a long loading time for data. This is represented by the parameter PARAM_SUBSYS_PRICE_LIFE-TIME
  • PriceListItemCacheLifeTime. This is the lifetime of the price list line item and volume discount information where the integer value represents seconds, the time unit of measure. The price list line item information must be reloaded after this number of seconds has passed. This is represented by the parameter PARAM_SUBSYS_PRICE_ITEM_LIFE_TIME.
  • PricerMappingCacheSize. This is the number of records to be cached for each mapping factor. The default is 100. If this value is set to zero, mapping information will not be cached, and the database will immediately be searched.

The first two parameters above are integers that specify a number of seconds. Their default value is -1, which means that the cache can remain unrefreshed indefinitely. Users can change this value to a number that is between 0 and 86400. 0 means turn off the cache; 86400 is the number of seconds in a full day.

Setting both numbers to low values results in more frequent refreshing and therefore slows down the performance, but it keeps the pricing information up to date.

Pricing Administration Guide