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Pricing Administration Guide

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How This Guide Is Organized

Revision History

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About Pricing Administration

Logging On as the Siebel Administrator

The Processing Order of Price Adjustments

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Creating and Assigning Price Lists

About Price Lists

Price List Prerequisites

Optional Prerequisites

The Process of Creating a New Price List

Creating a Price List Header

Creating Price List Line Items

Creating a Price List Line Item for a Simple Product Bundle

Copying and Modifying a Price List

Copying and Transforming a Price List

Using the Deep Copy Option to Transform Price Lists

Configuring the Transform Price List Form to Use Additional Data

Importing Price Lists Using Siebel EIM

Assigning a Price List to a User

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Creating and Assigning Rate Lists

About Rate Lists

The Process of Creating a New Rate List

Creating the Resources as Products

Creating a Rate List Record

Creating Rate List Line Items

Copying and Modifying a Rate List

Copying and Transforming a Rate List

Assigning a Rate List to a User

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Creating and Using Cost Lists

About Cost Lists

The Process of Implementing Cost Lists

Creating the Price List or Rate List the Cost List Will Reference

Creating the Cost List Record

Creating the Cost List Line Item Records

Entering the Indirect Costs

Associating the Cost List with a Price List or Rate List

Updating a Price List's Costs

Viewing the Product Cost and Margin

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Creating Volume Discounts

About Volume Discounts

About Simple and Tiered Volume Discounts

The Process of Setting Up a Volume Discount

Creating a Volume Discount Record

Creating Volume Discount Line Items

Linking the Volume Discount to a Product

Volume Discounts and Customizable Products

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Creating Promotions and Deals

About Promotions and Deals

The Process of Creating Promotions

Creating a Fund

Creating a Corporate Promotion

Creating an Account Promotion

Adding Products to the Account Promotion

Creating Promoted Product Deals

Creating Bundled Product Deals

Creating Payments Against Promoted Product Deals

The Customer's Experience of Promotions

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Creating Pricing Reports

About Pricing Reports

Descriptions of Available Reports

Running Reports

About Creating and Modifying Reports

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Setting Up Component-Based Pricing

Component-Based Versus Attribute-Based Pricing

About Component-Based Pricing

Viewing a Product's Components in the Pricing Designer

About Setting Up Component-Based Pricing

Setting Up Base Pricing

Setting Up Summation or Roll-Up Pricing

Viewing and Changing the Reference Price

Creating a Relationship-Based Price Adjustment

About Pricing Models for Component-Based Products

Constraints on Pricing Models for Component-Based Products

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Setting Up Attribute-Based Pricing

About Attribute-Based Pricing

About Attribute-Based Pricing Tables

Decisions About Attribute-Based Pricing Table Design

Single Attribute and Multiple Attribute Pricing Tables

Decisions About Design of Multiple Attribute Pricing Tables

The Process of Creating Attribute Pricing Tables

Creating the Attribute Pricing Table Header

Selecting Attributes That Will Trigger Price Adjustments

Adding Adjustment Items

Attaching the Attribute Pricing Table to a Price List Line Item

The Process of Creating Attribute Pricing Tables with the Adjustment Item Generator

Generating Adjustment Items

Completing the Generated Adjustment Items

Deleting Invalid Adjustment Items

Troubleshooting Attribute Pricing Adjustments

Configuring Automatic Navigation for the Adjustment Item Generator

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Creating Pricing Models and Pricing Factors

About Pricing Models and Pricing Factors

Types of Pricing Factors

Business Components Used with Pricing Factors

About Single Type Pricing Factors

The Process of Creating and Applying a Pricing Model

Creating a Pricing Model

Creating Pricing Factors

Linking the Pricing Model to a Price List or Customizable Product

Testing the Pricing Model

Reloading the Pricing Model into the Cache

Unlocking the Pricing Model

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Matrix-Based Pricing Factors

About Matrix-Based Pricing

About Matrix Pricing Business Components

A Preconfigured Matrix-Pricing Business Component

A New Matrix-Pricing Business Component

About Matrix-Based Pricing Factors

The Pricer Factors Form for Matrix-Based Type Pricing Factors

Search Specifications for a Matrix-Based Pricing Factor

The Process of Setting Up Matrix-Based Pricing

Creating a Matrix-Based Pricing Factor

Setting Up a Matrix-Pricing Business Component

Improving Performance of Matrix Pricing

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Bundling and Aggregate Pricing Factors

About Bundling and Aggregate Type Pricing Factors

Processing Order of Bundling and Aggregate Type Pricing Factors

Constraints on Using Bundling and Aggregate Type Pricing Factors

Aggregate Type Pricing Factors

Fields Used to Define the Aggregate Type Pricing Factor

Defining an Aggregate Type Pricing Factor

Bundling Type Pricing Factors

About the Pricing Factor Items List

Defining a Bundling Type Pricing Factor

Bundling Type Price Factors for "Buy One, Get One Free" Discounts

Bundling Type Pricing Factors for Component-Based Products

Bundling Type Pricing Factors for Product Components

Bundling Type Pricing Factors Including Component-Based Products

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Script-Based Pricing Factors

About Scripts and Script-Based Pricing Factors

The Process of Implementing Script-Based Pricing Factors

Defining User Properties for the Script

Planning and Writing the Script

Creating the Script-Based Pricing Factor

Sample Script

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Using Mappings in Pricing Factors

About Mappings in Pricing Factors

About the Comparison Used in a Mapping

Example: A Mapping Based on the Opportunity Business Component

About Search Specifications for Mappings

About Search Specifications in the Pricing Mapping List

About Search Specifications in the Pricing Mapping Definition List

The Process of Setting Up a Pricing Factor with a Mapping

Verifying That a Field Can Be Used in a Mapping

Creating a Mapping Record in the Pricing Mapping List

Defining the Mapping Search Specification in the Pricing Mapping Definition List

Creating a Pricing Factor That Uses a Mapping

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Using the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer

About the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer

Strategies for Design of Pricing Factors and Decision Flow Logic

About the Design of Decision Flow Logic

Example: Decision Flow Logic for a Compound Pricing Factor

Using the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer

Debugging Decision Flow Logic

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Testing and Validating Pricing Models

About Testing and Validating Pricing Models

The Process of Testing Pricing Models

Reloading the Pricing Model for Testing Purposes

Using the Pricing Model Validation Views

Examining the Pricing Engine Log File

Troubleshooting Testing Problems

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Siebel ePricer Deployment and Integration

Supported Integration Mechanisms

About Pricing Integration

Terms and Definitions

About Calls to Pricing Manager

Transports and Adapters

About Using Siebel ePricer as a Business Service

Internal Integration, an Example

Configuring the Opportunity Business Component

Setting Up Products and Pricing information in the Siebel Application

Adding the Opportunity Buscomp to the PRICING_BUS_COMPS LOV

Creating a Pricing Model and Pricing Factors

Associating the Pricing Model with the Price List

Testing Your Work

External Integration

Creating New Business Components

The Property Set Object

Setting Up Property Set Data for CSSPropertySet

Pricing Nonproduct Items

Using the Business Service with SAP, an Example

Creating Business Components

Creating the External Business Object and Compiling the SRF

Setting Up Pricing and Rules

Creating the Business Service

Integration Risks, Constraints, and Best Practices

Virtual Business Components and Matrix-Based Pricing

Siebel Pricing Manager API

Pricing Manager Business Component User Properties

Pricing Manager Business Service Methods

Standard Configuration Settings

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Pricing Administration Guide