Pricing Administration Guide > Creating Volume Discounts >

Volume Discounts and Customizable Products

Customizable products are discussed in Setting Up Component-Based Pricing and Setting Up Attribute-Based Pricing. This section explains how volume discounts apply to customizable products.

Before ePricer executes volume discounts, it first completes any customizable product pricing adjustments, establishing a price for the configured version of the customizable product before any volume discounting takes place.

Volume discounts do not apply to component products within customizable products. If several customizable products in a quote include the same component product, those component products do not qualify for a volume discount based on the total quantity of the component product in the quote. The volume discounts are based on the quantity of each customizable product.

Volume discounts do apply to different configurations of a customizable product. For example, there is a volume discount for buying 20 Compaq Deskpro computers. If a customer buys 20 Compaq Deskpro computers and configures them all with different amounts of RAM and different peripherals, the customer gets the volume discount.

When you create a volume discount for a component-based customizable product, the discount amount is spread among components of the product. The price of each component is discounted in proportion to the overall discount.

Pricing Administration Guide