Pricing Administration Guide > Bundling and Aggregate Pricing Factors > Aggregate Type Pricing Factors >

Defining an Aggregate Type Pricing Factor

This procedure assumes that you are familiar with the overall process for creating and applying a pricing model, described in The Process of Creating and Applying a Pricing Model.

To define a new aggregate type pricing factor

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Pricing Administration >Pricing Model Manager.

    The Pricing Model Manager list appears.

  2. In the Pricing Model Manager list, select the pricing model in which you want to create a new aggregate type pricing factor.
  3. If the Locked field of this pricing model record does not already have a check mark in it, click it to add the check mark in order to lock it.
  4. Click the Pricing Factor Designer view tab.
  5. In the Pricing Factor Designer list, click New.
  6. In the new record in the Pricing Factor Designer list, enter the information described in Table 28:
    1. In the Type field, select Aggregate.
    2. In the Sequence field, enter a number so this aggregate type pricing factor is processed after all single, matrix-based, script-based, or bundling type pricing factors.
  7. In the new Pricer Factors form, enter the information described in Table 31.
    Table 31.  Pricer Factor Form Fields
    Pricer Factor Form Fields


    Replace the system-generated name with a unique, meaningful name.

    Business Component Name

    Select a Siebel business component containing the data that the pricing factor will compare with the value you enter in the Field Value field to determine whether to apply this pricing factor.

    The following business components are valid for aggregate type pricing factors: Order Entry - Line Item, Quote Item, FS Agreement Item.

    Business Component Field

    Select the field in the Siebel business component containing the data that the pricing factor will compare with the value you enter in the Field Value field.

    Field Value

    Enter a character string or a number that will be compared to the value in the Siebel BusComp Field. Character strings and numeric constants do not need to be enclosed in quotes (" ").

    You can enter multiple values in the Field Value field. Click the field to display a dialog box where you can enter a list of values. The pricing engine connects these values with an implied OR.

    For single pricing factors:

    If the Pricer Rule Operator is = or <>, all values in the dialog box are considered.

    If the Pricer Rule Operator is >, >=, <, or <=, only the first value in the dialog box is considered.

    For aggregate pricing factors only the first value in the dialog box is considered, regardless of the specified operator.

    Next When True

    If you are using the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer, this read-only field displays the factor to be executed next if this factor evaluates as true. For more information, see Using the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer.

    Next When False

    If you are using the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer, this read-only field displays the factor to be executed next if this factor evaluates as false. For more information, see Using the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer.

    Type of Calculation

    Select a calculation that will be used to adjust the target price. The options are:

    n Discount Amount decreases the target price by the specified amount.
    n % Discount decreases the target price by the specified percentage value.
    n Markup Amount increases the target price by the specified amount.
    n % Markup increases the target price by the specified percentage value.
    n Price Override replaces the existing current price with the specified price.
    n Power (Target Price, Power) raises the target price to the specified exponential value. For example, if the adjustment value is 2, the target price will be raised to the power of 2, which would yield 4. A target price of $100 with an exponent of 1.176 results in a selling price of $224.9055.
    n Multiplicative Amount multiplies the target price by a specified amount.
    n Round (Current, Decimal Places) sets the number of decimal places to which the price will be rounded.

    Adjustment Value

    Enter the amount to be used in the calculation to adjust the target price.

    For example, if the type of calculation is a % Discount and the adjustment value is 10, a 10% discount is applied to the target price. If the type of calculation is Discount Amount and the adjustment value is 10, then a $10 discount is applied to the current price (assuming currency is USD). If the type of calculation is Price Override and the adjustment value is 10, then the price becomes $10 (assuming currency is USD).

    Target Price

    Select the price that will be used as the basis of the price adjustment calculation. The options are:

    n Base = MSRP. The MSRP in the price list line item detail.
    n Current Price. The price in its current state, which includes all adjustments that ePricer has completed when this pricing factor executes.
    n Base = Cost. The cost in the price list line item detail.
    n Base = List Price. The list price in the price list. If a promotional price is defined for an item, the promotional price is used instead.
    n Base = Purchase. The Purchase Price in the price list line item detail.

    If the adjustment applies a static amount, the target price is not a part of the adjustment calculation.

    If the adjustment is a price override, the target price is not relevant.


    Click the check box to activate or deactivate the pricing factor.

    A pricing factor will not execute when it has been deactivated. If it appears in a decision flow path, it will be interpreted as a factor that did not meet the conditions for execution.


    Optionally, enter comments explaining this pricing factor to the end user. The comment entered here appears in the quote's or order's Pricing Comments field.

Pricing Administration Guide