Pricing Administration Guide > Creating and Assigning Price Lists >

Copying and Modifying a Price List

After building a price list, you can copy and modify it to create a new price list that suits different types of customers or markets. For example, you might use a price list named United States Price List as the starting basis for creating new price lists for different countries, locations, organizations, currencies, accounts, or demographics.

First you copy the price list, which retains the original price list and recreates all of its data in a price list with a new name. The new price list must have a different name.

Then you modify the data in the copy as necessary.

To modify the data in more elaborate ways, you should use the Transform button, described in the following section, rather than modifying the data manually. For example, you can use the Transform function to convert all the currencies in a price list to a different currency.

NOTE:  Do not edit the Currency or Pricing Model field when you copy and modify a price list. To modify these fields, use the Transform function, described in Copying and Transforming a Price List.

To copy and modify a price list

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Pricing Administration > Price List.
  2. In the Price Lists list, select the price list you want to copy.
  3. In the Price Lists list, click the menu button, then click Copy Record.

    A new Price List record appears, with all of the data from the original price list, except for the original price list name.

  4. Modify the information in the fields of the price list header, described in Table 1 and the price list line items, described in Table 2.

    Either edit the fields directly or click the menu button, then click Change Records, and use the Change Records dialog box to modify the record.

    NOTE:  Do not edit the Currency or Pricing Model field directly. To modify these fields, use the Transform function, described in the following section.

Pricing Administration Guide