Pricing Administration Guide > Creating and Assigning Price Lists > The Process of Creating a New Price List >

Creating a Price List Header

Each price list is defined by the data in its header, which includes its name, describes its purpose, and specifies the time period when it will be effective.

The price list header does not hold the actual prices for products. Prices are in the associated price list line items, which are described later in this chapter.

To define a price list

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Pricing Administration > Price List.
  2. In the Price Lists list, click New.

    A new Price List record appears.

  3. Enter information in the new record and in More Info form, as described in Table 1.
    Table 1.  Price List Header Fields


    Required. Enter unique, meaningful name for this price list. Overwrite any system-generated name.

    If many price lists will appear in your system, use a consistent naming convention to name all your Price Lists.

    Cost List

    Optional. Select the cost list to be associated with this price list.


    Required. Enter the currency for all amounts that will be in this price or be associated with it. All cost lists, terms, pricing models, and pricing adjustments associated with this price list or with line items in it must use this currency.

    Shipping Method

    Optional. Select one default shipping method to be associated with this price list. This appears as the default Shipping Method when a runtime user creates a quote or order that specifies this price list.

    Pricing Model

    Optional. Select the pricing model to be associated with this price list. Only one pricing model can be linked to this price list (at the header data level) at a time. The model's effective dates must fall within the effective dates of the price list for the model to be effective.

    Payment Terms

    Optional. Select one default set of payment terms to be associated with this price list. This selection appears as the default data for Payment Terms when a runtime user creates a Quote or Order that specifies this price list.


    Required. Select all the organization which may have prices controlled by this price list. For more information see, Assigning a Price List to a User.

    Shipping Terms

    Optional. Select one default shipping charge protocol to be associated with this price list. This appears as the default Shipping Terms data when a runtime user creates a quote or order that specifies this price list.

    Effective From

    Required. Enter the date and time when this price list will become effective. By default, ePricer assigns the current system date and time when you first create the Price List record.

    Effective To

    Optional. Enter the date and time when this price list will become ineffective. After this time, Siebel applications will not be able to use this price list.

    Updated By

    Required. By default, ePricer assigns the user name used to log in to the current session in which this Price List record is created.

    Last Updated

    Required. By default, ePricer assigns the current system date and time when you most recently saved this Price List record.

    Integration ID

    Optional. If this system-generated ID appears, it can be used as a unique identifier for this price list to assist with system integration tasks. The Integration ID field is used for system integration with external systems. This field is populated by Siebel EAI connectors. 


    Optional. Enter a description of the purposes, unique characteristics and limitations of this price list.

Pricing Administration Guide