Pricing Administration Guide > Setting Up Component-Based Pricing >

Viewing a Product's Components in the Pricing Designer

You can use the Pricing Designer to display the relationships and components of a customizable product. You can expand or collapse the relationship hierarchy to see the components of each relationship.

NOTE:  If the List Price column for a component is blank, this means the component has not been added to a price list. Enter a price in the Price List field. This automatically adds the component as a price list line item to the current price list.

To display a product's components in the pricing designer

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Pricing Administration > Price List.

    The Price List view appears.

  2. In the Price Lists list, select the price list that contains the product.
  3. Click the Price List Line Items view tab to display the products in the price list.
  4. In the Price List Line Items list, click the customizable product's name.

    The Pricing Designer view appears.

  5. To expand a relationship and view its components, click the relationship name in the Outline Number column.

    NOTE:  You can also expand customizable products that are components of the current customizable product. The indentation level of each item displays to the right of its icon. The first level is 1, the second is 1.1 and so on.

Pricing Administration Guide