Pricing Administration Guide > Creating and Using Cost Lists > The Process of Implementing Cost Lists >

Viewing the Product Cost and Margin

Now that cost lists have been set up and associated with a price list or a rate list, any user can view the cost and the profit margin of products on that price list or rate list.

The margin is displayed as a decimal, as described in About Cost Lists.

NOTE:  Before viewing the cost and margin for a rate list, you must configure the product using Siebel Tools to expose those fields. For more information about using Siebel Tools, see Siebel Tools Reference.

To view a product cost and margin in a price list

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Pricing Administration >Price List.
  2. In the Price Lists list, select the price list for the product whose cost you want to view.
  3. Click the Price List Line Items view tab.
  4. In the Price List Line Items list, select the product whose cost you want to view.
  5. Scroll down to view the Price List Line Item Detail form.
  6. If necessary, click the Show More button in the Price List Line Item Detail form.

    The products cost is in the Cost field and the profit margin is in the % Margin field of the Price List Line Item Detail form.

To view a product cost and margin in a rate list

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Pricing Administration >Rate List.
  2. In the Rate Lists list, select the rate list for the product whose cost you want to view.
  3. Click the Rate List Line Items view tab.
  4. In the Rate List Line Items list, select the product whose cost you want to view.
Pricing Administration Guide