Pricing Administration Guide > Creating Promotions and Deals > The Process of Creating Promotions >

Creating Promoted Product Deals

Account managers must create promoted product deals to specify:

  • What kind of price adjustments will be available for each promoted product, a fixed amount off the unit list price, a percentage discount, a percentage markup, a markup amount, or a price override
  • Which fund will be used to pay the cost of the discounts.

They can also use promoted product deals to specify that the promotions are stackable or available for bundled products.

To create promoted product deals

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Promotions Administration > Account Promotions.
  2. In the Account Promotions list, click the hyperlink in the Promotion field of the promotion you want to create promoted product deals for.
  3. In the Promoted Products list, click the hyperlink in the Product field of the product you want to create the deal for.

    The Deals List appears.

  4. In the Deals list, click New.
  5. In the new record in the Deals list, enter the information described in Table 15.
    Table 15.  Selected Fields in the Deals List

    Fund Name

    Click the select icon, and use the Pick Funds dialog box to select the fund that pays for this promoted product deal.

    Cost Type

    Select the type of cost the deal covers. Options might be Bill Back or Off Invoice.

    Promotion Message

    Enter a message that describes the promotion. This message appears when customers view the promotion in product catalogs.


    Select the status of the deal. Options might be submitted, pending, and paid.

    Minimum Quantity

    Optionally, enter the minimum quantity a customer must purchase to receive the deal price.

    Maximum Quantity

    Optionally, enter the maximum quantity a customer can purchase to receive the deal price.

    Incremental Quantity

    Optionally, enter the increment in which customers must purchase products in order to receive the deal price.


    Enter a check mark in this field, to make the deal stackable. This means that customers can use more than one more promotion deals for the same promoted product.


    Enter a check mark in this field, if the deal is for a bundled product. For more information, see Creating Bundled Product Deals.

    Price Adjustment Type

    Select the type of price adjustment used for the discount. Typical options are Discount Amount and % Discount.

    Price Adjustment Amount

    Enter the amount of the price adjustment.

Pricing Administration Guide