Pricing Administration Guide > Creating Volume Discounts > The Process of Setting Up a Volume Discount >

Creating a Volume Discount Record

A volume discount record provides the top-level information about a volume discount, including its name, whether it is a simple or tiered volume discount, and the start and end dates.

CAUTION:  If you delete a volume discount record, all references to this discount become invalid. Any price list line items that used this discount will no longer have a volume discount.

To create a volume discount record

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Pricing Administration > Volume Discount.
  2. In the Volume Discounts list, click New.

    A new Volume Discount record appears.

  3. Enter information in the new record and in More Info form, as described in Table 10.
    Table 10.  Price List Header Fields


    Required. Enter a unique, meaningful name for this volume discount.

    Discount Method

    Required. Select a method from the picklist. The options are Simple and Tiered, as described in the section About Simple and Tiered Volume Discounts.

    Start Date

    Required. Enter the date when this volume discount will become effective.

    End Date

    Optional. Enter the date when this volume discount will become ineffective. If the volume discount will not expire, leave this field blank.


    Optional. Enter a description of the purposes and unique characteristics of this price list.

    Integration ID

    Optional. If this system-generated ID appears, it can be used as a unique identifier for this price list to assist with system integration tasks. The Integration ID field is used for system integration with external systems. This field is populated by Siebel EAI connectors. 

Pricing Administration Guide