Pricing Administration Guide > Using the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer > About the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer >

Example: Decision Flow Logic for a Compound Pricing Factor

Suppose you want to set up a sequence of pricing factors that applies a line item discount to:

  • Orders for certain accounts for a particular product (a "CPU Pentium 1000")
  • Orders made within a special promotional period.

Customers can get one of these discounts, but not both.

You might set up four price factors with the following logical sequence:

(1) IF Order Entry - Orders.Account EXISTS IN Account.Account.Name, Search Spec: [Type] = 'Customer'


(2) Order Entry - Line Items.Product = 'CPU Pentium 1000'

THEN Price Adjustment =1.33333% Discount


(3) Order Entry - Orders.Order Date > '12/02/03'


(4) Order Entry - Orders.Order Date < '12/25/03'

THEN Price Adjustment =1.33333% Discount

Figure 11 shows how you might diagram the decision flow logic for this example. If pricing factors 1 AND 2 are both true, than Siebel ePricer gives the discount and exits from the decision flow. If one of them is untrue, it goes to pricing factors 3 AND 4, and if they are both true, it gives the discount. Notice that the sequence has a start and an end, and that the end covers all possible cases.

Figure 11.  Pricing Factor Sequence Logic: (1 AND 2) OR (3 AND 4)
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Pricing Administration Guide