Pricing Administration Guide > Setting Up Attribute-Based Pricing >

Configuring Automatic Navigation for the Adjustment Item Generator

By default, when the Adjustment Item Generator generates a new set of adjustment items, it also prepares the workspace for a new Attribute value selection session by deleting existing data, as described in Generating Adjustment Items.

As a side effect of this standard configuration, if you activate any other view, form, or list that causes the Adjustment Item Generator form to disappear (to be replaced in the foreground of your screen), you lose your work in the Adjustment Item Generator. Even if you clicked Save for each row, ePricer deletes your data input.

You can change the configuration of ePricer so that, after you use the Generate button on the Adjustment Item Generator form, this form does not close or clear away the data you have entered. The form remains as is, with all data, set up for the next use of the Generate function.

This is useful if you generate many attribute pricing tables in one session, and you do not wish to leave the Adjustment Items forms or lose the values you have entered in the Affects Pricing field.

In Siebel Tools, alter the User Property called "Result Items View" in the Price Book Pricing Item Maker Single List applet.

This User Property identifies the view and forms that the system opens after you use the Generate button. If the view is set to an empty field, then the Generate button does not automatically activate another view, deleting existing data. The data is preserved, so you can use it as the basis of the next set of attribute pricing items that you generate.

For more information about Siebel Tools, see Siebel Tools Reference.

Pricing Administration Guide