Pricing Administration Guide > Setting Up Attribute-Based Pricing > The Process of Creating Attribute Pricing Tables >

Creating the Attribute Pricing Table Header

The attribute pricing table header data includes data that specifies your strategic approach to attribute pricing for a product or class of products. Before you create the table header, you should do the planning described in the section Decisions About Attribute-Based Pricing Table Design.

CAUTION:  If you delete an attribute pricing table header, all references to that attribute pricing table in any price list line item become invalid, and all price adjustments associated with that attribute pricing table are lost. Do not delete a table unless you want this result. Create a complete backup of your Siebel ePricer system data before you delete a table.

To create an attribute pricing table header

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Pricing Administration > Attribute Pricing.
  2. In the Attribute Pricing list, click New.

    The New Attribute Pricing list appears.

  3. Enter information in the new record and in More Info form, as described in Table 22.
    Table 22.  Attribute Pricing List Fields


    Required. Enter a name for the attribute pricing list; 60 characters maximum.


    Required. Click the select button, and select a class. The attributes in this class can be used in this attribute-based pricing table.


    Optional. Enter a longer description of this attribute pricing table. Describe the characteristics that distinguish this table from any other tables that apply to products with the same Class.


    Required. Select Single Attributes to create pricing adjustments based on one attribute value. Select Multiple Attributes to create pricing adjustments based on combinations of attribute values.

    For more information, see Single Attribute and Multiple Attribute Pricing Tables.

    Display Error
    when Invalid Combination

    Check this box to send an error message if the user selects a combination of attributes that is not represented in the attribute adjustment table.

    If you leave this check box blank, the user can proceed after choosing an invalid combination of attributes, and will not receive any price adjustment for the product.

    For more information, see The Display Error When Invalid Combination Option.

    Default Starting
    Adjustment Type

    Select the Adjustment Type value to be assigned by default when you create or generate adjustment items. You can overwrite this default when you work with each adjustment item.

    Price Adjustment Type values include Discount Amount,% Discount, Markup Amount,% Markup. These are described in detail in Table 25

    Currency Code

    Select the currency code of the price list these adjustments will apply to. The currency code in the attribute pricing table header must be the same as the currency code for any associated price list.

    All attribute-based price adjustments are calculated in the currency used for the list price of the product.

    Start Date

    Enter the date when this attribute pricing table becomes effective. This date must be coordinated with the Effective From date of any price list with a line item to which this attribute table will be attached.

    End Date

    Optional. Enter the date when this attribute pricing table stops being effective. This date must be coordinated with the Effective To date of any price list with a line item to which this attribute table will be attached.

Pricing Administration Guide