Pricing Administration Guide > Creating Pricing Reports >

Descriptions of Available Reports

Predefined pricing reports that are available are described in this section.

Price Lists Report

Accessible from the Pricing Administration > Price List view, this report provides a list of all price lists in the database. Since this is a summary report, it contains Price List header data information, including the following information for each price list:

  • Price list name
  • Price list description
  • Base currency
  • Terms
  • Shipping methods
  • Effective dates

Price List Based Price Book Report

Accessible from the Pricing Administration > Price List view, this report shows line item (product-specific) pricing information for the selected price list.

For each line item in the selected price list, this report includes the following:

  • Price list line item data
  • Attribute-based pricing data
  • Catalog data (product line, part number, vendor number)
  • Cost data
  • Margin %
  • Minimum and maximum sales price

NOTE:  For customizable products, only the price list line item data is included. Listing all the possible combinations of component product is not practical.

NOTE:  To view pricing associated with bundled products and aggregate type pricing factors, refer to the appropriate pricing factor definition data under the Pricing Model Manager view.

Pricing Models - All Report

Accessible from the Pricing Administration > Pricing Model Manager view, this report provides a list of pricing factor information for the selected Pricing Model.

The high-level data in this report includes the pricing model name, its creation date, and its effective start date.

For each pricing factor in the selected model, this report presents pricing factor information that includes the following:

  • The condition that determines whether the algorithm gets executed
  • The algorithm used to adjust the target price
  • The reason that is displayed to the runtime user if this pricing factor is applied
  • Any comments regarding this factor that have been entered by Pricing Administrators

For more information about pricing models, see Creating Pricing Models and Pricing Factors.

Quote Reports

The following reports also provide information useful to pricing administrators:

  • Quote List Report. Accessible from the Pricing Administration > Quote Pricing Model Validation view, this report contains a listing of all the quotes.
  • Current Quote Report. Accessible from the Pricing Administration > Quote Pricing Model Validation view, this report contains formatted information about the quote line item currently selected. You must select a line item from the quote before running this report.
  • Summary Quote Report. Accessible from the Pricing Administration > Quote Pricing Model Validation view, this report contains summary information for the quote, such as taxes and terms. It also includes fundamental line item information.
  • Package Quote Report. Accessible from the Pricing Administration > Quote Pricing Model Validation view, this report contains package information and summary information for the quote. It also includes fundamental line item information. Information about items that are not in packages is classified as Other.
  • Account Specific Price Book. Accessible from the Quotes view, this report lists attribute-based pricing information for the selected Quote line items by showing which attributes have been selected, including the attribute name and value, along with the list price and net price of the product. To generate this report, you have to create a quote that contains all the products to be included in the price book. You must then update the account name in the report, and click Reprice All prior to generating the report.
Pricing Administration Guide