Pricing Administration Guide > Creating and Using Cost Lists > The Process of Implementing Cost Lists >

Creating the Cost List Record

The cost list record includes general information about the cost list as a whole, such as its name, the organizations that can use it, and its cost method.

To create the Cost List record

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map >Pricing Administration >Cost List.
  2. In the Cost Lists list, click New.
  3. Enter information in the new Cost List record and the More Info form, as described in Table 7.
    Table 7. Cost List Record Fields

    Cost List

    Required. Enter a unique name for this cost list. If you will have many cost lists, it is important to use meaningful names and a consistent naming convention for them all.


    Optional. Enter a description of this cost list for your own use.

    Effective From

    Required. Enter the date and time when this cost list will become effective. By default, The application assigns the current system date and time when you first create the Cost List record.

    Effective To

    Optional. Enter the date and time when this cost list will become ineffective. After this time, Siebel applications will not be able to use this price list.

    Cost Method

    Select one of the four cost methods, Standard, Average, Next, or Last. These cost methods are described in About Cost Lists.

    Created By

    The application enters the user name of the person creating this record.


    The application enters the date and time when the record was created.


    Click the select button and use the Organizations dialog box to add the organizations that will use this cost list.

    Updated By

    The application enters the user name of the last person who updated this record.


    The application enters the date and time when the record was last updated.

Pricing Administration Guide