Pricing Administration Guide > Creating Pricing Models and Pricing Factors >

About Single Type Pricing Factors

A single type pricing factor includes a condition and a price adjustment that will be applied if the condition is true.

You define a single type pricing factor using the Pricing Factors form shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.  The Pricer Factors Form for Single Type Pricing Factors
Click for full size image

The condition compares the value in a field (or optionally, a field attribute) with a value that you specify. Specify the condition using the following fields:

  • Business Component Name, Business Component Field, Attribute Name. Specify a business component, a field, and optionally a field attribute.
  • Operator. Specify an operator such as =, <, or >.
  • Field Value. Specify a value to compare the field's value with.

CAUTION:  If the business component field is a date-time field, the field value must be entered in it using a 24-hour clock (military time). The pricing factor will not run if the time includes A.M. or P.M.

The price adjustment is performed if the condition is true. Specify the price adjustment using the following fields:

  • Type of Calculation. Specify what type of adjustment should be done, for example, a % discount, a markup amount, or a price override.
  • Adjustment Value. Specify the amount of the adjustment.

For example, you can create a single type pricing factor saying that, if the product line is desktops, the customer gets a 5% discount on that line item. Enter the following information:

  • Business Component Name. Quote Item
  • Business Component Field. Product Line
  • Operator. =
  • Field Value. Desktops
  • Type of Calculation. % discount
  • Adjustment Value. 5

NOTE:  In addition to this simple comparison of a field with a value, single type pricing factors can compare a field with a field in another business component to determine if the price adjustment should be applied. For more information, see Using Mappings in Pricing Factors.

Pricing Administration Guide