Pricing Administration Guide > Using Mappings in Pricing Factors > About Mappings in Pricing Factors >

About the Comparison Used in a Mapping

If you use the EXISTS IN or DOES NOT EXIST IN operator, Siebel ePricer decides whether to apply the price adjustment by seeing whether the value in a field of the quote, order, agreement, or component-based product exists in a field and business component that you specify. You must do the mapping to specify the field and its business component.

To determine which values in this mapped field will be used in the comparison, you specify:

  • A business component and field in that business component. The business component and field can be written as <buscomp name>.<field name>. An example is Quote.Account for the Account field in the Quote business component.
  • A search specification. The subset of records that results from the search is called the mapping set.

At runtime, the pricing factor determines whether the value in a field that you specify in the quote, order, agreement, or component-based product exists in the field that you specified in the mapping set to determine whether to apply a price adjustment.

To see whether the EXISTS IN or DOES NOT EXIST IN condition is satisfied, the pricing factor compares the values that you specify in these two fields of the Pricing Factors form:

  • Business Component Field. Use the Business Component Field field of the Pricing Factors form to specify the field in the quote, order, agreement, or component-based product.
  • Mapping Field. Use the Mapping Field field of the Pricing Factors form to specify the field in the mapping set.

The formats of these two comparison fields must be the same. If you compare the same field in two different business components (such as quote.account and partner.account), then the format will be the same. You can compare different fields, only if their values have the same format; for example, you can compare Requested Ship Date with Effective Date if the two use the same date format.

Pricing Administration Guide