Pricing Administration Guide > Setting Up Attribute-Based Pricing >

About Attribute-Based Pricing Tables

Pricing Administrators define attribute-based pricing by setting up pricing adjustment tables.

Each row in the table specifies a product attribute (or a combination of attributes) and the price adjustment for that attribute. These rows are called adjustment items.

To apply these adjustments to a product, you associate the attribute pricing table with the product in a price list line item.

An attribute pricing table is based on data in one class, so an attribute pricing table can only be applied to a product or products within that class. Depending on your approach to pricing, you may be able to use the same attribute pricing table for all products within a class, or you may have to create attribute pricing tables used for individual products.

CAUTION:  Attribute-based pricing can only use Attribute values that have been defined as discrete elements in a List of Values (LOV). It cannot use attributes that have been defined with a Range of Values.

NOTE:  This chapter assumes that you have general background knowledge about attribute-based customizable products, classes and attribute values. For more information about customizable products, see Product Administration Guide.

Pricing Administration Guide