Pricing Administration Guide > Testing and Validating Pricing Models >

Troubleshooting Testing Problems

Table 45 lists solutions to some common problems that may occur when you use the Model Validation views to test pricing adjustments.

Table 45.  Troubleshooting Testing Problems
If this happens...
Try this

Cannot update a field in a factor.

Verify that the model is locked.

New factors are not executing

Reload the model.

The validation view results indicate that a pricing adjustment has not executed.

n Exit and reenter the application, and test again.
n Verify that the pricing factors that you are testing have been activated.
n In the price list you are using for the test, verify that the volume pricing and attribute pricing fields contain the correct data.
n Verify that the pricing model is linked to the correct price list or component-based product. If it is not, link it, and then exit and reenter the application before retesting.
n Verify that the date of the test is within the range defined by the effective dates of the price list.
n Verify that the date of the test is within the range defined by the Start Date and End Date of the pricing model.
n Verify that the date of the test is within the range defined by the Start Date and End Date of pricing factors you are testing.
n Check the Pricing Engine Log file to see if the pricing factors executed.

Test result price does not match the expected result.

n Verify that the pricing factors you are testing are activated and are executing in the intended sequence.
n Verify that the pricing factor field data has been entered correctly, especially the Sequence, Type, Adjustment Amount, and Type of Calculation fields.
n Verify that multiple factors are not conflicting with each other.
n Verify that a manual discount is not overriding the price calculated by the Pricing engine.
n Delete or rename the log file. The Pricer engine will create a new one when you execute a pricing factor. Then use the Active field to test each pricing factor in the pricing model individually.
n Verify that the pricing model is linked to the correct price list or component-based product. If it is not, link it, and then exit and re-enter the application before retesting.
n Check the Pricing Engine Log file to see if the pricing factors executed.

A factor that uses a Field Value is not executing.

When this happens it is often the result of a typographical error when entering the Field Value. Fix the error and retest. If necessary, check the Right Side and Left Side fields in the Pricing Engine Log file to make sure they are the same.

An amount calculated by an aggregate pricing factor does not match the expected results.

n Verify that the business component fields used with an aggregate pricing factor are amount fields.
n Click Reprice All to recalculate the aggregate amounts.

A factor that uses a mapping is not executing

n Check the Right Side and Left Side fields in the Pricing Engine Log file to determine what values, if any, are being returned. If the Right Side value is blank, it may mean that there is a data type mismatch, such as a mismatch between the mapping field and the business component. In necessary, use Siebel Tools to determine the data type.
n Use Siebel Tools to verify that the fields are active. If they are not active, activate them by setting Force Active = TRUE and then retest.

Multiple sessions are running. The pricing model has been updated, but the updates are not executing in all sessions.

When multiple sessions are running, the Pricing Administrator using each session must click Reload to use the most current version of the model.

For example, if Pricing Administrator A makes a change to a pricing model and saves the changes, then Pricing Administrator B, who has a different session active, can see the pricing model changes. However, the changes will not execute in Pricing Administrator B's session until the pricing model has been reloaded.

To determine how and when to use Reload to update caches, consult with your server administrator.

Pricing Administration Guide