Pricing Administration Guide > Bundling and Aggregate Pricing Factors > Bundling Type Pricing Factors >

About the Pricing Factor Items List

When you use the Pricing Factor Items List, you can define price adjustments for both Buy and Receive products.

To qualify for the price adjustment, the user must buy the specified quantity of all the Buy products in the list.

If the user meets the Buy product requirements, then Siebel ePricer applies the price adjustments for all the products in the list, whether they are Buy or Receive. However, that Siebel ePricer applies the price adjustments for Receive products only if they are ordered in the specified quantities.

For example, you can use the Pricing Factor Item list to create bundled discounts such as:

  • If you buy a certain model of desk, you get 50% off on a certain model of ergonomic chair. (The desk is a Buy product with a quantity of 1 and no price adjustment. The chair is a Receive product with a quantity of 1 and a price adjustment of 50% discount.
  • If you buy 10 desks, you get 10% off on the desks and 50% off on the ergonomic chairs for them. (The desk is a Buy product with a quantity of 10 and a price adjustment of 10% discount. The chair is a Receive product with a quantity of 10 and a price adjustment of 50% discount.
  • If you buy 10 desks, you get 10% off on the desks and 50% off on any model of desk chair for them. (The desk is a Buy product with a quantity of 10 and a price adjustment of 10% discount. Each model of desk chair is a Receive product with a quantity of 10 and a price adjustment of 50% discount.)
  • If you buy 10 desks, you get 10% off on the desks. (The desk is a Buy product with a quantity of 10 and a price adjustment of 10% discount. There is no Receive product.)

The discount is applied to the product that it is for, not to the root product. For example, if the discount is defined to give 50% off on an ergonomic chair, if you buy a desk and chair, then the discount is reflected in the price of the chair.

NOTE:  The Buy product quantity is a minimum and the Receive product quantity is a maximum. For example, the pricing factor says that, if you buy 10 desks, you get 50% off on 10 ergonomic chairs for them. Then you must buy a minimum of 10 desks to get the discount, and you can get a discount on a maximum of 10 chairs. This prevents a customer from buying 10 desks in order to get a discount on thousands of chairs.

Pricing Administration Guide