Pricing Administration Guide > Creating Pricing Models and Pricing Factors >

Types of Pricing Factors

Siebel ePricer allows you to create the following types of pricing factors:

  • Single. Includes a single rule that applies a price adjustment to individual line items in a quote, order, agreement, or component-based product. For example, you can give the customer a discount if the extended price of a line item is more than $1,000. For more information, see About Single Type Pricing Factors.
  • Matrix-Based. Equivalent to several single-type pricing factors. You create a Siebel business component with records specifying multiple rules for price adjustments, and the pricing factor searches this business component to determine which price adjustments to apply. You can import information into this business component from a pricing table in another application, such as an Excel spreadsheet. For more information, see Matrix-Based Pricing Factors.
  • Bundling. Allows you to apply price adjustments that depend on the selection of bundles of products. For example, if a customer buys a dining room table and four chairs, the customer can get a 10% discount on a sideboard. For more information, see Bundling and Aggregate Pricing Factors.
  • Aggregate. Applies the pricing factor to the entire quote or order. For example, you can give a customer a 10% discount if the total price of a quote is over $100,000. For more information, see Bundling and Aggregate Pricing Factors.
  • Script-Based. Allows you to use a script (in Siebel eScript or Visual Basic, for example) to define more complex pricing factors. For example, these might include complex mathematical calculations, multiple business components, or a compound rule on multiple fields in the same business components. For more information, see Script-Based Pricing Factors.

Siebel ePricer also gives you tools to manage pricing factors:

  • Managing the Order in which Pricing Factors are Executed. The order in which pricing factors are executed affects the final price. Siebel ePricer provides a feature for controlling this order and creating complex logic flows. For more information, see Using the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer.
  • Testing Pricing Factors. Siebel ePricer provides features for testing pricing factors. For more information, see Testing and Validating Pricing Models.

NOTE:  Pricing factors for component-based products use the same general procedures as pricing factors for other products. However they involve additional constraints. You should not work with them until you have read About Pricing Models for Component-Based Products.

Pricing Administration Guide