Product Administration Guide > Configuration Rule Assembly Language >

About Operators

In expressions, operators define operations or relationships between operands. Operator names are case sensitive. For example, Req(A, B) is not the same as req(A, B) and will result in a syntax error.

Most operator names are entirely lowercase. However, a few contain capital letters and are noted in later sections. The Rule Assembly Language has several types of operators.

  • Siebel data. These operators support expressions involving data that originates elsewhere in the Siebel system.
  • Boolean. These operators take logical operands and return logical results. For example: and(A, B).
  • Comparison. These operators take numeric operands and return logical results. For example: >(A, B).
  • Arithmetic. These operators take numeric operands and return numeric results. They provide math operations such as addition and subtraction.
  • Conditional. These operators provide conditional logical and numerical relationships, such as if-then-else.
  • Special. These operators interpret their operators in a special way. Some provide access to the configuration session: for example, to signal messages or retrieve property values. They also provide binding and iteration services.

Some operators expect logical operands. Others expect numeric operands. When an operand is of a type different than the operator expects, the eConfigurator engine forces the operand to the correct type.

  • When integers are used where floating point is expected, integers are converted to their double-precision floating point equivalent.
  • When floating point numbers are used where integers are expected, floating point numbers are rounded to their nearest integer value.
  • Numbers greater than zero are interpreted by logical operators as true.
  • Numbers less than or equal to zero are interpreted by logical operators as false.
  • When used as numeric operands, true is 1 and false is 0.
Product Administration Guide