Product Administration Guide > Basic Product Administration >

Comparing Features of Equivalent Products

You compare equivalent products by displaying all the equivalent products for a product and then selecting which features you want to use for the comparison. You can then rank the equivalent products.

To compare features of equivalent products

  1. Navigate to Product Administration.
  2. Select the desired product.
  3. From the More Info Show menu, choose Product Comparison.

    The Product Comparison list appears. Equivalent products are displayed in the columns.

  4. In Product Comparison, add a new record.

    A dialog appears that contains all the product feature definitions.

  5. Select the desired product from the dialog box.

    The feature is added to the Product Comparison list.

  6. Repeat the steps above until all the desired features have been added.
  7. Assign a ranking to the equivalent products, if desired.

    A rank of 1 means a product has the highest degree of equivalence relative to the other equivalent products.

Product Administration Guide