Product Administration Guide > Technical Reference > eConfigurator API >

APIs to Set Product and Attribute Values

This section describes APIs used for setting product and attribute values.


This method adds an item to a specified port, creating a new instance of an item. If you want to change the quantity of an existing instance of an item, use SetItemQuantity.

Input Arguments:
  • ObjId—the unique identifier of the complex object header.
  • RootId—the unique identifier of the complex object root.
  • (Optional) Version—Version arguments are used only when testing a customizable product version that is different from the currently released version.
  • (Optional) AutoResolve—automatically resolves port cardinality violations. The default is N.
  • Prod Item Id—the ID of the item (for example, ORIG_ID in S_PROD_ITEM table).
  • Name—the name of the item.
  • Product Id—the product id in S_PROD_INT table.
  • Port Item Id—the ID of the item's port (for example, ORIG_ID of the port in S_PROD_ITEM table).
  • Quantity—the item quantity.
  • List Price—the item list price from Pricing Manager, which can be empty.
  • Current Price—the current price from Pricing Manager, which can be empty.
  • Parent Path—the path of the parent item the port belongs to.
Output Arguments:



This method copies an instance.

Input Arguments:
  • ObjId—the unique identifier of the complex object header of the source instance.
  • RootId—the unique identifier of the complex object root of the source instance.
  • DestObjId—the unique identifier of the complex object header of the destination instance.
  • IntObjName—the name of the integration object specified in Siebel Tools.
Output Arguments:



This method removes an item from the instance.

Input Arguments:
  • ObjId—the unique identifier of the complex object header.
  • RootId—the unique identifier of the complex object root.
  • (Optional) Version—Version arguments are used only when testing a customizable product version that is different from the currently released version.
  • Path—the path of the item.
Output Arguments:



This method updates the instance with values from the Pricing Manager service. A call to the Pricing Manager service's CalculatePriceCX method returns a property set that is the input to this method.

Input Arguments:
  • ObjId—the unique identifier of the complex object header.
  • RootId—the unique identifier of the complex object root.
  • (Optional) Version—Version arguments are used only when testing a customizable product version that is different from the currently released version.

The input property set has child property sets containing the repricing information. The format of the input property set is as follows:

< ObjId="value" RootId="value" Version="value" >

< IntId="integration id" FieldName="value"... FieldName="value" >

< IntId="integration id" FieldName="value"... FieldName="value" >


< />

In this context, the Integration ID is used to retrieve the instance item.

Output Arguments:



This method sets the value of an item's attribute.

Input Arguments:
  • ObjId—the unique identifier of the complex object root.
  • RootId—the unique identifier of the complex object root.
  • (Optional) Version—Version arguments are used only when testing a customizable product version that is different from the currently released version.
  • Path—the path of the item with attribute to set.
  • Value—the attribute value.
  • Name—the attribute name.
  • XA Id—the extended attribute ID. This is the row ID of the attribute in the XA Attribute business component.
  • Property Type Code—the attribute type.
Output Arguments:



This method sets the quantity of an item.

Input Arguments:
  • ObjId—the unique identifier of the complex object root.
  • RootId—the unique identifier of the complex object root.
  • (Optional) Version—Version arguments are used only when testing a customizable product version that is different from the currently released version.
  • Path—the path of the item.
  • Quantity—the quantity to set.
Output Arguments:



This method updates the value of a field in a line item.

Input Arguments:
  • Path—The Integration Id of the line item (or of the parent line item in the case of an attribute).
  • FieldName—The field name. This should not be a field that is used and controlled by the Configurator (such as: Quantity, Port Item Id, Integration Id, Attribute Value, and so on).
  • XA Id—(Optional) The attribute Id. Specify only if you are setting the value in an attribute field.
  • Value—The value of the field.
Output Arguments:


Product Administration Guide