Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Implementing Siebel Remote Server >

Preventing Extraction and Synchronization of Older Data

The Time Filters feature allows administrators to prevent selected kinds of older data from being sent to all Mobile Web Clients during database extraction or synchronization. By reducing the amount of data to be sent, time filtering can reduce the amount of time required for database extraction and synchronization. Time filtering may also enhance Mobile Web Client response time.

Time filtering is deployed on a per dock object basis. For each supported dock object that will use time filtering, the administrator chooses a cut-off date. Data that was last modified prior to the cut-off date is not included in extractions or synchronizations.

NOTE:  The cut-off date specified for each dock object is a fixed date that is not dynamically adjusted. If the cut-off date is changed, Mobile Web Clients should be reextracted. If a Mobile Web Client is not reextracted after changing to a later cut-off date, that client would retain unnecessary older data in the local database. Storage of this unneeded data could affect performance.

CAUTION:  Before deploying time filtering in your Production environment, be sure to test it thoroughly. Make sure that your chosen cut-off dates for time filtering allow all necessary data to reach test Mobile Web Clients. Deployment of an inappropriate cut-off date can prevent stable but necessary data (such as price lists or rate lists) from reaching Mobile Web Clients. If this occurs, you must choose an earlier cut-off date and reextract the Mobile Web Clients.

By default, time filtering is supported for the following dock objects:

  • Activity
  • Expense
  • Expense Report
  • Invoice
  • Opportunity
  • Price List
  • Project
  • Project Item
  • Quote
  • Service Request

It is possible to configure additional dock objects for time filtering. However, for many Siebel implementations, most of the benefits that time filtering provides will come from using the dock objects that are supported by default. For information about making time filtering available for additional dock objects, see Configuring New Dock Objects for Time Filtering.

The following procedure describes how to set up time filtering for a supported dock object.

To prevent synchronization of older data for a supported dock object

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Siebel Remote > Time Filters.
  2. In the Time Filters list, click New to display a blank record.
  3. In the Dock Object field, select the dock object for which you want to set up time filtering.
  4. In the Cutoff Time field, specify a date and time to limit the data to be extracted and synchronized for the selected dock object.

    NOTE:  Time Filters records can be created while the Transaction Router is running. The time filtering you specify will affect any database extracts that are started after the record is saved. However, to affect synchronizations, you must also restart the Transaction Router component after saving the record.

If you use time filtering but find, by experience, that your business still requires synchronization of older data, the following procedure describes how you can stop using time filtering for any supported dock object.

To allow synchronization of older data for a supported dock object

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Siebel Remote > Time Filters.
  2. In the Time Filters list, select the record that lists the dock object for which you need older data to be synchronized.
  3. Click the Menu button and select Delete Record.

    Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 for any other dock objects that no longer need time filtering.

  4. Restart the Transaction Router component.

    For information on starting Siebel Remote components, see Starting Siebel Remote Server Components.

  5. Re-extract local databases for any Mobile Web Clients that need access to the older data.

    For information on extracting local databases, see Extracting Databases for Mobile Web Clients.

    NOTE:  Time Filters records can be deleted while the Transaction Router is running. The deletion of a time filtering record will affect any database extracts that are started after the record is deleted. However, to affect synchronizations, you must also restart the Transaction Router component after deleting the record.

Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide