Siebel Reports Administration Guide > Global Report Modifications >

Changing the Font on All Reports

You can change the font that is used on all the text and label controls throughout the reports. You change the Font.FaceName property on the ssTxt (text) library control and on the ssLbl (label) library control, as shown in the following steps. All report text and label controls are derived from ssTxt and ssLbl.

In order to make and test the appropriate changes, you will need to:

  • Open a report design file.
  • Edit the label and text controls in sscustom.
  • Compile and run the report.
  • Save the changes to sscustom.

To open a report design file and the corresponding Siebel view

  1. Open Siebel Sales.
  2. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Accounts > My Accounts.

    This step is necessary so that Siebel data can be communicated to the Actuate report when the report is tested.

  3. Open the Actuate e.Report Designer Professional software from the Start menu.
  4. Choose File > Open, then locate and select Aclist.rod in the \Siebdev\RPTSRC\ENU\STANDARD folder.

    If your installation uses a non-English version of Siebel eBusiness Applications, you do not have an \enu folder. Instead, you have a folder in the appropriate language code for your installation, such as \deu for Germany.

    See Global Deployment Guide for a list of three-letter International Standards Organization (ISO) language extensions.

    The Design Editor window displays the Account List report design.

To edit the label and text controls in sscustom

  1. Click the Library Browser button.

    The Choose Included Module dialog box appears as shown in the following figure.

    Click for full size image

    The Library Browser button and the Choose Included Module dialog box are for opening one of the libraries that has been included in the report design. For this example, the library for Account List (aclist.rol) is included. The sscustom and sssiebel libraries are included in all reports.

  2. Select sscustom.rol and click OK.

    As shown in the following figure, the Library Browser window for sscustom.rol appears.

    The Library Browser window displays all of the library components available in the library you opened, in this case sscustom.rol. This library contains such components as ssLbl and ssTxt that are modified in the following steps.

    Click for full size image
  3. Right-click the ssLbl component and select Properties.

    The Component Editor window appears, displaying the property settings for ssLbl as seen in the following figure.

    Click for full size image

    The Component Editor window has four tabs—Properties, Methods, Variables, and Class:

    • Properties tab. Identifies the property setting for each property defined for the current component. Property settings can be changed in this tabbed page.
    • Methods tab. Lists the Actuate BASIC methods defined for the component.
    • Variables tab. Lists the variables defined for the component.
    • Class tab. Identifies the class name and superclass of the component, and the module where it resides (usually either the report design file or an included library).
  4. Find and expand the Font property in the Property Editor.

    The Font.FaceName property becomes visible.

  5. Change the value of Font.FaceName from Arial to Arial Narrow and click Apply.
  6. Click the Library Browser window to make it active.

    You do this to choose a different library component to change its properties.

  7. Click the ssTxt component in the Library Browser window.

    The Component Editor window now shows ssTxt property settings.

  8. Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 for ssTxt and close the Component Editor and Library Browser windows.

To compile and run the report

  1. In Actuate e.Report Designer Professional, click the Run button.

    The Run button invokes the report build, compilation, and execution processes. You can also invoke these processes, collectively or individually, from the Report menu in Actuate e.Report Designer Professional.

  2. The Actuate e.Report Designer Professional Requester dialog box appears.

    As the following figure represents, the Requester dialog box appears containing a listing of the parameters for the report such as ssOLEServer and ssPassword.

    Click for full size image

    Click OK to accept any defaults. This provides the means to communicate parameter values to the report.

The report is generated and appears in the Actuate e.Report Designer Professional window.

To save the changes to sscustom

  1. Close the report.
  2. If the Save Modified Modules dialog box appears, this is to notify you that sscustom has been modified and to ask if you want to save the changes.

    Click Yes.

  3. Close Actuate e.Report Designer Professional.
  4. Copy the Aclist.rox file from the development directory (\Siebdev\RPTSRC\language_code\STANDARD) to the executables directory (\Siebel_client\REPORTS\language_code).
  5. In Siebel Sales, select Account List from the Reports menu.

    The revised Account List report appears in the browser screen.

For your change to sscustom to affect other reports, you will need to recompile those reports.

Siebel Reports Administration Guide