Siebel Reports Administration Guide > Master-Detail Reports > Example—Creating a Master-Detail Report >

Creating a Report Design in Actuate e.Report Designer Professional

Now the new report design is created and the major structural components are added.

To create a master-detail report design in Actuate e.Report Designer Professional

  1. Open Actuate e.Report Designer Professional.
  2. Choose File > New. In the Create New Report window, select Blank Report and click OK.

    A blank design report appears.

    NOTE:  Another option for creating a master-detail report design can be found in the postinstallation tasks for Actuate e.Report Designer section in Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

  3. Delete the following components from the structure tree.

    NOTE:  You will need to expand the Content - Report section on the structure pane to see the components.

    • Connection component. This is a predefined connection that is not used to create Siebel reports.
    • DataStream component. This component will be replaced with the datastream created in Siebel Tools.
    • Content - Frame component. This component will be replaced with a subclassed frame.
  4. Choose Tools > Library Organizer and click More.

    The Include Library window appears.

    1. Click Browse and navigate to C:\Siebdev\RPTSRC\ENU\LIB (or equivalent), choose sssiebel.rol, and click Open. Click OK to close the Include Library window.

      If your installation uses a non-English version of Siebel eBusiness Applications, you do not have an \ENU folder. Instead, you have a folder in the appropriate language code for your installation, such as \DEU for Germany.

      See Global Deployment Guide for a list of three-letter International Standards Organization (ISO) language extensions.

    2. Repeat this step for the files sscustom.rol, sssrvreq.rol, and Acopcon.rol.
  5. Enter the following information for the report:
    • Title. Account - Opty/Contact Detail
    • Filename. C:\Siebdev\RPTSRC\ENU\Acopcon.rod

      This is the filename and folder location where the report design file you are creating will be saved. If you have a \custom subfolder of ...\ENU, save it there instead.

      If your installation uses a non-English version of Siebel eBusiness Applications, you do not have an \ENU folder. Instead, you have a folder in the appropriate language code for your installation, such as \DEU for Germany.

      See Global Deployment Guide for a list of three-letter International Standards Organization (ISO) language extensions.

    • Report Root Name. Acopcon

      This specifies the name of the top-level report design object in the design file.

  6. Choose File > Save. Specify Acopcon.rod in the ...\enu (or ...\enu\custom) folder.

    If your installation uses a non-English version of Siebel eBusiness Applications, you do not have an \enu folder. Instead, you have a folder in the appropriate language code for your installation, such as \deu for Germany.

    See Global Deployment Guide for a list of three-letter International Standards Organization (ISO) language extensions.

    Remember to save the design file periodically as you work.

  7. Double-click the Acopcon (top-level) icon in the structure tree (or right-click it and select Properties).
    1. In the Component Editor window, click the Class tab.
    2. Change the Super Class value from AcReportSection to ssRpt.

      This is an important step. Siebel reports must inherit from ssRpt (the Siebel standard report) instead of directly from AcReportSection (Actuate report). ssRpt is provided in sscustom.rol and inherits from baseReport from sssiebel.rol.

      NOTE:  You cannot perform this step until you have included the sssiebel.rol library.

      Two components are automatically added to the report when you change the report's class: a report section (ssRpt) and a pagelist section (ssPageList).

  8. Make sure that the Show Empty Slots option in View >Options is checked.
  9. Expand the top-level report component.
    1. Right-click the report section child component in the structure tree (Report) and select Slot Information.

      The Single Structure Reference window appears.

    2. Change Name in the Contents section to ssRpt and click Close.
    3. Right-click the report section component (ssRpt1) and click Subclass.
    4. Right-click the report section (ssRpt1) and click Rename. Change the name to ssRptAccount.
  10. Expand the report section component (ssRptAccount).
    1. Click the library button and click sscustom.rol.
    2. Drag and drop the ssGrp library component onto the Content child slot of the report section.
  11. Right-click the group section component (ssGrp) and subclass following Step 9.
    1. Right-click the group section component (ssGrp1) and click Rename.
    2. Change the name to ssGrpAccount.
    3. Right-click the group section component (ssGrpAccount) and click Properties. In the Key property, enter ssName.
    4. Close the Component Editor window.
  12. Drag and drop the ssSeq library component from the Library Browser window to the content section (ssGrpAccount). When prompted, click Use As Content.

    This provides the sequential section that causes the subreports to execute in sequence.

  13. Subclass the sequential section and rename it ssSeqAccount.
    1. Drag and drop the ssRpt library component onto the sequential section. Subclass following Step 9 and rename it ssRptOpportunity. Expand this report component.
    2. Drag and drop the ssRpt library component onto the sequential section again. Subclass this report component following Step 9 and rename it ssRptContact. Expand this report component.
  14. Close the Library Browser window.
Siebel Reports Administration Guide